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Posts posted by Lucinator

  1. It would be a nice feature to allow players to choose the starting government when starting a new campaign.  Its kind of silly the hoops you have to jump through to get to a government type at the start that is actually viable (absolute monarchy for example) that in the early game just makes the start a pain for some nations.  And look if players want the challenge good for them they can select a more challenging government type if they want to.  It also would be a easy thing to add for the devs.

  2. yea exept it took 15 years to get to that point, from a gameplay perspective you should not have to wait that long and still be able to field only 4 small battleships (15k tons) a handful of cruisers and destroyers.  And the USA has the best economy so its gonna be worse on most other nations.

  3. I would like to point out that most of the ships being built are CL's and im still -30mil in the red on budget.  And this is while prioritizing the economy.  Its kinds silly and not really fun from a gameplay standpoint.  By this point even historically I should be able to field 16 small BB's not to mention the cruisers, and destroyers.

    Screenshot 2023-11-03 152453.png

  4. Please revert the economy or better yet properly fix it.  As it stands right now the game is borderline unplayable.  I should not be able to by 1905 and playing as the USA be only able to afford to maintain 4bbs 4ca and 8 CL.  Thats silly low given ive put all my focus on the economy.

  5. Please stop messing with the campaign economy.  Right now you don't make nearly enough money to realistically play Every major patch this happens (sometimes several times before the next major update comes)  Furthermore please focus on bringing us mod support as it will help both the community and would allow for either moving on to another game or preferably fix more of the bugs and gameplay issues.  Lastly if you have to keep putting out new hulls please make it so we can finally build the Negato, its sad such a iconic ship cant be made in game and also try to be more accurate, your "Omaha style cruiser can't be made to look like the real ship but worse you can't even give it the same armament as the real one.

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  6. On 7/26/2023 at 3:32 PM, The PC Collector said:

    Oh, also. I've noticed in the newer update notes that the chance of weather changing to storm on the campaign has been reduced. On my 38 years of campaign, it has happened twice, so my doubt is, it was really necessary to decrease the chance of something which seemed already infrequent?

    That is because you are playing a very old version.  Trust me it was needed.  Every third battle was a storm.  Also before the dev's add anything more they still have a buttload of bugs to fix.  Also they have said the they are gonna be moving on and only doing bug fixes so unless they release mod support your probably not getting any new content.

  7. With the game being "released" I feel like I have to speak up about the state of the game.  Frankly its borderline unplayable.  I really want to like the game but hearing that the Dev's plan to stop working on the game in a few months is kinda a slap in the face.  Here are the things that need to be implemented with 1-3 being things that MUST be implemented/fixed or I'm gonna file a formal complaint to steam for false advertising.  I also know a executive at VALVE and will also email him about how this game has been handled.

    1.Fixed Pathfinding: It should not be the case that ships run into each other, go the opposite direction you tell them to, randomly stop...How the dev's think this is acceptable is unfathomable to me.

    2.Unit placement:  There needs to be a way for player to place the ships before a battle.  Having ships in the same division on opposite sides of the fleet formation is ludicrous.  Being able to place the ships to fit your battleplan is a must, especially with the poor pathfinding, I spend almost as much time to assigning ships to new divisions that I do fighting.

    3.Mod Support: Frankly there is no way the dev's are gonna be able to get the game to the level it needs to be and need to spend ALL their time working on the first two parts of this, along with bugs.  New content really needs to end.  To fill that gap player content and work is gonna be a good way to get new hulls, other ship parts, A.I. improvements...  I find it crazy that I still cant make a Nagato or Nelson Class for example.

    While not critical I think that to make the game successful these features would be nice to have or at least have a framework in place so modders can choose to add.them.

    4, PIP: A picture in picture option would be nice so you can either focus your camera on the enemy while being able to see the angle of your ship in a smaller window or the reverse would help a ton in long range late game battles.

    5.Carriers: It is kinda hard to get a warship game of this age without aircraft carriers.  AA defenses are a large part of ship design from the 20's on and need to be represented, moreover the need for smaller secondaries in battles that your shooting at targets over 10k is almost non existent.  The reason ships past the mid 30's packed a bunch of sub 5in guns was mostly aircraft.  The coding framework at a minimum should be added so modders can implement this.

    6.Subs: submarines need to be more fleshed out with the ability to design them and a deeper gameplay needs to be developed.  As with aircraft submarines are very important to 20th century naval warfare and should be better represented than what we have,

    7.Better Control of Engagements: When doing things like convoy missions task forces, raids,,,, what ships get dragged in makes no sense and seems close to random,  I'm sick of the AI forcing a fight with a 1v1 with DD;s (which they promptly spend the whole battle running)  You should be able to keep ships in their task force for battles and not have a fraction dragged off.

    8,Better Nation Control: If army units are gonna be in the campaign then there needs to be (from a enjoyable gameplay experience) a way to control and upgrade them.  Similarly there needs to be a way to control when or if neutral countries are attacked even if its the same system as we have for major powers.

    9.The Ottoman Empire/Turkey as a major power: How they are a minor power but China (which had a almost non existent navy) is makes no sense with similar but weaker arguments that if Austriahungry is but brazil isnt also makes little sense.

    10.Ship Displacement:  The maz tonnage for ships is almost universally far greater than any ship built in the timeframe that tonnage becomes available.

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  8. I have been trying and failing to be able to effectively control a battlegroup/  The ships, even if they are in the same division, seem to constantly do weird things like run into each other for no reason (i.e. they dont have a damaged rudder or some other problem), and more sophisticated fleet maneuvers feel like you are trying to herd cats.  Does anyone have a suggestion on where to go for good advise on controlling ships or is this a programming issue?

    • Like 1
  9. could not disagree more rust and Dozens of other games I've played that have been in a public pre-realease have had similar mod capabilities,  It was what kept several of them alive long enough to gain a critical mass of players.  Rust for example is one of the most played games on steam and having played it since its early alpha I can say the mods helped it through a couple of rough patches and saved the game.  Hell some of the closed alpha testing I've done has had mod tools already up and running which on a game only being tested by at most 1000-2000 people says it can work just fine.

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  10. We all know that any small game developer is always stressed for more resources.  The slow pace of updates for this game shows how much effort even small content can take its what comes with indi games.  However I think there might be a way to help the developers out.  If they release mod support or at least something to help modders it could be very helpful.  Allowing mods that deal with new components and balance changes would free up dev resources to concentrate on the parts of the game that would be outside the scope of basic modding like major gameplay features and campaigns.  If they dev's like the mods they could event port them into the main game files.

    Thoughts, opinions, torpedoes?   

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