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Posts posted by Lemonater47

  1. Then I presume you never spend money on games or micro-transactions, because only people who don't spend money would assert that that is pay to win. It's not pay to win in any shape or form. It's paying to progress, which is very different.


    And yeah, their pricing strategy was stupidly retarded. They could have had a lot more players and probably a lot more money had they not charged a fortune.

    You didn't earn it.

  2. In case you haven't noticed they have a far bugger production budget. A publisher behind them and several hundred staff.

    Eve pays for itself mate. I haven't payed a subscription for Eve in ages. I payed for about 2 months. Doesn't take long for you to earn enough plex to play without paying. That's why I started playing eve when I found that out. And I got damn rich in that most expensive battle ever as did many other scavengers.

    WOW is also that sort of game that's extremely addicting. ESO is the same. Though that sorta failed as it tried to get elder scrolls fans into the WOW model. Didn't work out very well to begin with for them.

    This is an indie company with a new concept. Its a risk making a subscription model. And they don't need to pay 300+ staff 6 figure sale salaries.

    Wait and see what happens when this game gets some proper exposure. That's what will need to happen before you decide how you want to sell it.

  3. Called advertising. I've been spreading the word in the off topic section of many forums.

    This game isn't gonna be free to play. Having it so you buy the game but have to pay a subscription to enjoy it ain't a smart idea. And yes no matter how much you sugar coat it it always turns out that way I'm afraid.

    Do you want to keep the playerbase small or expand it?

  4. Everything has to be about money with you.

    You could simply give them a million dollars.

    Anyway how would you go about making the figureheads for the game. Every ship is different so it would be very hard to make figureheads fit on every ship.

  5. I didnt necessarily mean that there was an avatar. I am suggesting that the player wouldnt have direct control over the ship or the guns. Instead they direct its actions through the ships officers and crew...

    That's silent hunter style lol.

    The problem with silent hunter was if you didn't play it for a while you forgot everything. You forgot who did what and you were widely mashing buttons doing a whole bunch of things except the thing you wanted the submarine to do. By that time half your crew was dead or wounded including half the officers, you were taking on water and Half the submarine components were damaged.

    Naval action looks a tad more complicated than silent hunter if they implemented that system of doing things. While cool gameplay wise it could have some ease of use issues.

    What I do like is the crew system from silent hunter 3. Where you assign crew members and officers to stations. It was drag and drop which was slightly annoying but they can improve ok that system. Like with a slider or something and maybe even presets. But each crew member had a name, his morale, his experience, his rank, his stamina and specialties. You could even give them medals, promote them or train them to specialise in something.

  6. we had boats on deck (even asked players about them) but everyone said that boats were never on deck in combat

    Not exactly.

    The deck is pretty much the only place to store the boats. So they didn't take boats when they were just going to battle or on a short patrols. On Longer journeys they had boats.

    Ships boats weren't thought of as life boats. But they were used mainly to go ashore or between ships at sea. You didn't need to do either of those things for a battle. Boats on the deck in a battle are only more splinters flying around. If the ship starts sinking the boats are largely useless because they would be riddled with holes as well.

    If you got caught and you were carrying boats that's tough luck.

    Many captains did however tow their boats behind them. This often isn't reflected in artwork as its seen as slightly cowardly and doesn't have any artistic value.

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  7. Actually, I like the playing real money to change the name of your ship. You pick a name when the ship is built at a dockyard, and you get a free name change token when you buy a ship off of the market. Sure, you can call your ship $W4GCH00PRXX, but it'll cost you $.50 to name it something else when you tire of your terrible choice.. wont be doing that again, will you.


    Yes but its a feature that will only turn people away from the game. Paying money to change something that small only gives the impression that its a game you have to pay more money to do anything.

  8. In case you haven't noticed world of tanks is free to play. Though I find warthunder better as its no where a near as grindy feeling.

    This game won't be free to play last I checked. Seeing free to play elements in a game you buy really suggests "money sink" to potential buyers.

    And you can always just directly buy in game cash GTA V style. Rather than having a premium currency. Same thing but without the bad image that comes with it.

  9. Chivalry is an FPS with medieval weaponry, so those servers and support required for them are nowhere near the level needed for an MMO. Also, its sold a couple of million copies, so regardless if that's at $6 per copy or $25 per copy that is a lot of money  :P


    Plus, you could create half a dozen new maps and swords for that game for the same effort required for one NA ship, so their update rate may be good but it wouldn't be satisfactory here. Naval Action will need a strong cash flow to progress beyond simple arena battles, and micro-transactions offers this, so long as the right things are being sold.


    The line for me here is whether you would need to pay real money to compete and be successful, nothing in this thread really crosses that line


    Yeah the right things being sold. Not half the stuff these guys are suggesting. Servers would be around $30,000 a year for Torn banner, developers of chivalry. Maps take about 2 months each for the developer who only has one map designer. Takes longer for the community to make a proper Team objective map.



    And yes stuff does cross that line of yours of yours. "Premium members get much larger society access, Economy labor bonus, Sell xp boosters, reputation boosters, gold find boosters etc." That's what I call pay to win.


    Having a premium currency is a bad idea also.

  10. And a monthly subscription fee is better?


    $60 (remember when games cost $50?) can't fund an MMO with servers and GMs and patches and content upgrades and support staff. It can barely fund a SP shooter with deathmatch servers anymore.



    Heard of Chivalry? Game costs $25 most people got it for about $6 in the sales and the developers host 100+ servers worldwide. It only has aesthetic micro transactions. Which I'm fine with. And it has patches, content upgrades and competitions that they pay the winners for. Little indie company.


    Famous ships as micro-transactions are fine too.

  11. and you have to remember, naming/renaming can make devs some nice money! Players can rename ships for in-store currency. Why not?

    No just no. Why would I pay real money just so I can get a can of black paint and a can of white paint to paint over the old name and paint a new name. We aren't all swimming in cash. There are other ways of making it difficult to change the name of your ship.

    Yeah and I think getting the greenlight on steam sorta stumped them. So they are probably rushing around trying to get a load of stuff done for steam. I would imagine getting voted in on steam greenlight would be one hell of a motivation. Also being based in Ukraine isn't exactly the best of places to be at the moment. Even if it is Kiev.

  12. In all my 20,000 combined posts on various gaming forums I have never seen a bunch of people agree with this sorta thing. I love this game by I don't want it to turn into a game where real money becomes nessesary. Where stuff that costs real money is advertised all over the place no matter how subtle it is.

    Most MMOs these days rely heavily on real cash. Its kinda sad. They are addicting without the money but you always get to a certain point where you pretty much have to pay to get anywhere. Even the non free to play ones. I can understand why free to play MMOs have this stuff. But many MMO games you pay $60 for often have similar damn things.

    Wind's idea for current, while a great idea for a free to play iPod game would be horrible for this game.

    Who do you want the audience to be? Casuals with money? Or dedicated players.

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