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Posts posted by Hemidal

  1. 14 minutes ago, Draco said:

    Hell, Bismarck had an above average length 47cal gun, plus extremely heavy guns for their size because of the german breech block mechanisms, and yet her shells pr. minute rate was faster than all the others

    Yeah theoretical ROF was ~3 RPM but that was for certain elevation. Even that website states what were conditions to achieve that kind of rate of fire and it comes with a lot of assumptions, also if you read further it even states what was practical ROF 91 shells in 13 minutes and using theory it should be 312.


    And surprisingly enough other example when battleship tried to dump their load right quick and in hurry is Kirishima vs Washington. US BB fired 75 shells in 7 minutes giving us 1.19 RPM compared to Bismarck's 0.875 RPM.


    And regarding Jutland crews were training a lot to get that sort of ROF and also when they were on limit they started removing flash protection from hoists.

  2. First of all I am impressed by amount and rapid deployment of hotfixes. Shows real commitment when a hotfix drops on weekends. Now some feed back on campaign:



    works as intended i can keep my BBs around 19% pitch. One thing bugs me tho - citadel on DDs is there one? Designer shows that there is but should it?



    While tension system works and you can prolong (or shorten) peace time before first war for the life of me I can't get AI to peace out. None of victory conditions seem to be working - I've never seen a war summary screen in 1.06. Revolutions come and go, blockades are lasting for years AI sends peace offers I accept and nothing happens.


    AI designed ships

    The biggest problem I have with AI designer is underpowered ships (compared to players). In current  and previous campaigns I tend to design capital  ships to be as good as possible which is reflected in their price - current BB is 200M. AI spams BBs worth 40M. 30k displacement, 17knt with 10 11.1 inch guns and really bad armour vs 44k displacement, 31knt 9 15 inch guns decent armour (i can't say if its good or bad never lost one). I think that AI should build ships after player designed their and try to match player's creation or at least try to get their ships in similar displacement and price brackets (like +/-10% on both stats). Reasoning is quite simple - ships were not designed in vacuum. Nations always tired to counter each other. That also solves problems with beginners - they would meet ships that are comparable  to theirs.


    Tech tree

    Research speed is well adjusted my only concern would be  researching techs that are barley used by player - I've never ever used 9 or 10 inch guns but i am forced to get them to mark 4 before i get first 16 or 15 inch. Somewhat same with range finders.


    Bugs and tid bits:

    VP bug, damaged ships turning on dime (essentiality spinning in same spot), travel times - it took 15 days to do transatlantic cruise  in 1830 but it takes 3 months to get from Mediterranean to North Sea. at 18 knots 4000 km journey should take like 5 days.


    Other than that perhaps I would put the gun adjustment system in tech tree (replace couple techs) to give fighting chance to DDs and TDs. Perhaps gun layout tech for side guns could be fused with centreline and in that place you could insert +/-5% and +/-0.25 inch tech?


    Keep up the good work! I really like how the game is evolving!


    Edit: Just got first peace deal. it turns out all 3 alliance members have to agree for peace before they start a war again.


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  3. Regarding crew question:

    I've never ever had a problem with crew available but on the other hand i think i've found the reason why - last couple campaigns i tried to challenge myself and i build only CAs. They decimated everything that AI could muster taking very little damage in return. So where was problem? Most of battles were against similar number of ships but mine were heavier. Out of 5 BBs and 4 BCs I've only once met a BB (19 knots in 1930 but that is a designer problem) which gave me any sort of problems - i had to close the distance to about 200 meters and double team it. The problem is mission generator tends to put same ships vs same ships and player designed ships are usually better for brawling (yea i am looking at you torpedo spamming, running away in every situation AI) therefore the manpower pool is never strained.


    Also i don't think crew system works - i had like 5 BBs 10 CLs mothballed and i could bring them to service without any issues. I will put my crew fund to 0 and will see if i can replenish crew manually.

    Regarding designer problem in 1930 start AI on both sides doesn't usually exceed 32 knots especially UK - i've seen 26 knots destroyers...

  4. Couple problems/unclear rules:


    1. How exactly convoy raiding works? I managed to decimate CA, CL and DD of 1930 UK they were left with 20 BBs. Suddenly I've started to loose 20 transports a turn (fortunately they asked for peace in 2 turns so whew). I didn't get any convoy defence mission in mean time.

    2. Ship damage: I think it should take longer to repair but it should be also cheaper. In most cases a pain of not having a capital ship to fight theirs is far greater than spending whatever money on repairs. Also sometimes damage is so minor that I don't think it should warrant a whole turn in port + ridiculous amount of money.


    And last a request: when we create a fleet for campaign could we also choose what was researched before?


  5. I've noticed strange AI behaviour in missions where there is that annotation. AI instead of trying to find my ships (or transports) is always going in opposite direction (my ships can be sighted or not). AI tends to retreat whenever flag ship is damaged (or sunk) and often missions turn into riveting 2-3kn chases of beaten up BB or DD. IDK is that a bug or intel lies about braver of AI? ;)

  6. Got same error i think. "couldn't acces account details"

    Xsolla says that they have technical difficulties:

    Unfortunately, we are experiencing technical difficulties with our system at this moment. Please, try to do it later. Thank you.

    Most generic of generic tech support messages yay!

    How long until moving away from that crappy launcher?

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