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Posts posted by crp1985

  1. I just tested 1.05 through the Xsolla launcher, and this issue is not present in 1.05 live. This issue is present on the steam 1.06 beta. 

    It is really annoying not being able to properly read information while in the game. I've messed around with all kinds of dpi settings and nothing has fixed it. Anyone have any ideas? I can't be the only one that has this issue?





  2. After one of the updates I'm not sure which one, certain tooltip popups completely go off the screen. Attached is a screenshot of the issue. My mouse is hovering over my main gun trying to see it's stats. The popup tooltip appears at the very bottom of the screen completely cut off. This also happens in the ship designer when hovering over engine types. Does anyone know of a fix for this?





    Popup Issue.jpg

  3. I have an issue to report. My ship designs are gone. I believe this might be because of the new update?

    The other issue is that on Beta 16 new ship designs aren't being saved. 

    I spent a great deal of time recreating the Hood and Bismarck. Hood is gone because of save wipe. Now I spent time today recreating the Bismarck, after exiting the game the Bismarck design is now gone too.

    Anyone else having issues with designs disappearing in custom battle?






  4. A few things I've noticed in game:

    1. ) After Beta patch 8, tooltip info popups now appear offscreen and are unreadable. 

    2.) One of my main gun turrets on the ship in my screenshot was not rotating on target. It was one of the forward 13.5in main guns sitting on the deck.

    3.) Germany's 12 in gun model is too big and can no longer be mounted on any tower when increased to 12.7in. A 15 in gun turret would fit on the same tower. The 13in gun model for Germany was smaller, which is why I'm using a 13.5 in gun on my ship in the screenshot.



  5. On 2/4/2022 at 2:14 PM, SlowTrot said:

    Maybe it doesn't have to be torpedoes, but the AI needs something boosted (eg, accuracy) to be able to have a chance.

    Bad AI ship design is causing accuracy to plummet. Not fixing weight offsets, too many guns, objects too far from the centerline, the design phase needs some more tweaking. Ultimately, the devs might want to consider allowing us to design the AI ships in campaign if we want to do so. 


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  6. In my opinion AI design needs a rework. Historically, ships did not carry the amount of torpedoes we are seeing in game. Also I believe torpedo spotting needs reworked to be less effective. The trade off could be a whopping 40% or higher depending on what it was historically torpedo failure rate (Duds). 



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  7. 11 hours ago, neph said:

    They work maybe 5% of the time

    Need a little bit more info here. Did you see this with a single ship outside of a formation or a ship in formation? I've seen reports of speed settings not working inside formations. To be honest the AI needs more work in this game. Formations, torpedo avoidance, tactics, I also still see incorrect shell type being used. 

  8. I tend to build my ships in this early period specifically around maximum accuracy. I'll use the appropriate shell weight, and propellant that buffs accuracy. I will fiddle with my ship design to move most stuff centerline reducing Pitch and Roll. I also use only one smoke stack when possible even if there are major engine penalties. Adding to superstructure armor slightly reduces Pitch and Roll, increasing the ship's speed, and moving objects as close to the center of the ship as possible all help. With this design philosophy my ships usually way outperform the AI designs. Also want to mention the importance of setting crew training to maximum in your campaign. This has a big affect on accuracy over time. 


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  9. I see almost the opposite. I just went through the two early campaigns for Germany. 1900-1910 campaigns. Most of the time the enemy torpedo boats I encountered were sunk with only a few low caliber penetrating waterline hits. The AI has a tendency to build their boats with low amount of bulkheads. 

    Yes, they do pump out a great deal of water but they are not invincible. 


  10. If this has been brought up and fixed I apologize. Selecting certain shell propellants or explosive types causes the opposite affect around accuracy. For example, selecting Tube Powder which has certain +% to accuracy actually lowers the accuracy. I'm seeing this in the ship designer while reading the overall gun stats. Selecting any +% accuracy modifier whether it be a propellant, shell weight, or explosive causes the opposite affect.  

  11. I'd like to see added to the UI, the actual range at which the torpedo will fire at the three settings. 9km at Aggressive, 8 for normal, 7 for save as an example. In my opinion the problem is not that the torpedoes won't fire, the issue is players don't know when they are able to fire them. 

    1.) Actual launch range.

    2.) Firing Arc - Is it even possible to fire my torpedo at the target currently? If not, show us something on the UI to indicate this. Something simple like a red dot for no or a green dot for yes, and finally a black dot for out of range. 

    We need UI indicators to tell us the above!


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  12. Ship Designer: I'd like to add a few suggestions if I may.

    1.) Add guns that have in between calibers. For example, 3.5 inch instead of 3 in or 4 in. They could be made nation specific. 


    2.) Tapered Armor. I don't know if this is currently possible in game but have armor that thins towards the water line and below. I don't know why ships were designed this way, possibly to save weight? You'd think the armor would taper upwards instead of below the waterline to protect against penetrating flooding hits. 


    3.) Clarification on Anti-Torpedo choices. For example, Anti-Torp one is so and so inches thick armor. Include stats on the torpedo bulge etc,.


    4.) May want to consider a slight rebalance of earlier hulls. Tweak stability etc,.


    5.) Ability to have and designate a single ship in each campaign as the Fleet's most important ship. It could have Veteran crew from the campaign beginning and have other slight bonuses. 


    I have a few non suggestions also. These are observations. 

    1.) Shell type and shell propellant choices lead to opposite affect on accuracy. For example, selecting light shells leads to an accuracy loss as opposed to gain. Same with propellants that have a minus accuracy modifier. For example, switching to Cordite gains gun accuracy as opposed to accuracy loss. It could be a display bug though. The accuracy stat I am looking at is hovering over the turret and looking at the accuracy and pen stats in the ship designer. Has anyone else noticed this?


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  13. The armor is a little thin on this design. Especially the fore and aft belt. There is too much armor on the turrets. Main deck armor seems decent, fore and rear deck armor could be increased to 55mm or 2in. The conning tower does seem to be light on armor there. Too much armor on the superstructure. It could be decreased to 55mm or 2 inches. Increase Barbette to Barbette III at least. Increase your bulkheads to maximum, and at least anti-flood II. 

    Historical values for armor. Let's take the battleship Bismarck as an example. 

    Speed: 30 kn

    Main Belt - 12.6in (320mm)

    Fore, Aft Belt - 8.7in (220mm)

    Main Deck - 4.7in (120mm)

    Fore, Aft Deck - 2in (51mm)

    Turrets - 8.7 Side, 5.5 Top (220mm side, 140mm top) (This part I may have wrong. 8.7 for sure on the sides. Not sure about the tops. It does say 14.2 total.)

    Conning Tower - 14in (356mm) 

    Turtleback Citadel I believe

    Armor quality would be Krupp III. (Krupp Cemented + face hardened)


    I'd take the side 16 in turrets off the ship as this probably is reducing your hull stability and gun accuracy. Take a look at your Roll stat and see how much accuracy loss there is. 

    Anyone else have any suggestions or observations also?


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