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Posts posted by JayWhito

  1. Quote

     In a game, there is definitively a challenge when the stakes are mutual annihilation in a matter of minutes. DEFCON is a perfect exemple. The game design is good, the rules are clear, the UI engaging and the game last for a decent amount of time. If you know what you are doing, even something where you "lose" in victory can be fun and very replayable.

    DEFCON is awesome. It was released in 2006 but its gameplay still rocks. The picture, of course, is a little outdated but still nice to play. Modern naval games can learn something from DEFCON as they are not seriously developed from a tactical point of view. But in fact, I prefer not only naval games but first personal shooters as well. I was looking through cdkeysforgames.com and found a lot of games to buy. One of my dreams is to find a game that combines a naval setting with typical shooter gameplay. Oh, I almost guarantee that it would be brilliant!

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