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Posts posted by MFARR001

  1. So I finished the Campaigns. All of them British and Germany 1890-1930. Some were easy some were hard. Old tech makes a campaign harder and longer and the game AI is always better then when I do it. I make better ships overall just less of them and that's the only reason I can ever win. The UK always seems to have more money then Germany but for some reason whoever the enemy is they always have more ships like 2 to 1 some times. If I couldn't sink 5 to 7 of their ships losing maybe one in a few key battles I'd be blockaded forever. I also don't get how always moving ships from port to port every turn gives me more free money not the opposite. I'd never have any money for crew, transports or tech otherwise. Campaigns are too short over all especially in later decades. About to try British 1930 for the third time after wining a second go in less then a year even after refusing to make peace. That's the real issue it seems I can always get a few tech upgrades but I'll never have a ship larger then 50k or 16in guns unless I sacrifice just for it with a mediocre ship. Maybe 1940 will allow for more massive ships but at the current rate 1890 can go on for a decade but 1930 its hard pressed to get to 1933. Maybe ship dockyard size should start out 10k larger for each decade even if not historical. I push to get a dock big enough to get a new class of ship design and start building and next month I won its over.

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