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Posts posted by abrucewebb

  1. I have a question about the extra brigade slot awarded after certain battles. 

    It is possible for the Union to achieve the level of AO necessary to have 4 divisions with 6 brigades by the time this comes into play so that 1st Corp has 25 brigades for the remainder of the game. 

    However, I see no way for the CSA to do this.  I started a campaign and chose all the options with the most AO and then assigned all career points earned to AO and by Shiloh I could only have 5 brigades per division so when the unit is awarded after Shiloh you have 6 brigades in 1st Division and 5 in the others.  However, if you increase the AO so you can have 6 brigades per division, you lose that slot.

    Is this an intended design feature or a bug?  You can never have a 25 brigade 1st Corp as the CSA  






  2. Okay, good to know about the ammo perk.

    My general didn't get promoted after the first battle. He's still a colonel so I didn't get to choose a perk.  Any ideas why?

    Any ideas why?  I actually reinstalled the mod prior to starting a new campaign just in case there was an issue from my first installation. 

    I also see that to uninstall it says to verify the files.  I'm assuming this is the Steam version as I don't see a way to verify the files in the GOG version.  I did, however, copy the original files to a folder.

    Again, thank you for all of your hard work on modding this game.

  3. I installed version  1.81 (which still shows version 1.8 on the startup screen) for the GOG version of the game.  However, after the first battle as the CSA my general (actually he starts out as a colonel) doesn't get any perks.  Was that changed?

    Also, just to clarify, has the Logistics perk been fixed?  Does the unit get more ammo?  Or should we still avoid that?

    Thanks for all your hard work fixing these issues.

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