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Posts posted by frostycouch

  1. Hi all!

    Please excuse me if this content has already been covered – I am a new player and have not been able to find anything searching in the forums. First, the game is great! I definitely look forward at getting better at it :)

    As I've kicked off, I was hoping to get some help with a few things:

    1. Is there a collection of tactics or doctrines somewhere? Aside from high-level historical dictums (e.g. Crossing the T, using torpedo boats for charges against BBs, etc.) are there any guides which take into account the nuances of this game? I find myself just charging at the enemy with only a small level of tactics

    2. Torpedoes...How are torpedoes used optimally? Perhaps I am just frustrated, but I find that (1) my opponents always get off more torpedoes than I do, faster than I do, from further away than I do. My charging torpedo boats barely get off 1 torpedo against a slow Battleship, and only when they get super close and get burned, but their torpedo boats fire a spread from afar and then run off effectively. Are there any techniques to it? (e.g. a speed, angle of approach, etc.)

    Any help would be super appreciated. Thank you!

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