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Robin Lox

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Posts posted by Robin Lox

  1. 14 minutes ago, Salty Banana said:

    (2) the server database already keeps track of everybody;'s damage done in the Patrol Zone - script it so that at maintenance the database tells the server who gets how many combat marks and sends them to the player's DLC/gifts/rewards UI and the captain can claim them from there

    That would be great. If I may add a third option:

    (3) the game grants the marks upon leaving the PZ, each time they do so. If they visit the PZ 2 or 3 times, it redeems them each time. It could be possibly tied in with the battle report when you are awarded exp, reals and doub's.

  2. 4 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Courier would just "steal" the cargo having paid only the "insurance" hence buying the goods at a fraction of the price.

    And without any negative results.

    ( that is without creating a whole new relationship intricate system )

    That is why you would set the insurance rate as a higher or equal price than/as the goods. For example I want to move item X from KPR to La Tortue, item value is 10k reales, I would set the insurance price as say 10k. If I put the insurance price as 1 mill, people might not take the cargo or those that decide to take the contract and steal the goods would end up losing out (the cargo would have to be listed as 'cargo' or 'crates' or something so that the person accepting the contract doesn't know what they are transporting, then if they open it to steal the goods, the goods can't be re-sealed as 'cargo' or 'crates'.


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  3. I'd like the idea of creating contracts for other players to move your goods, person creating the contract sets an  "insurance" price (an upfront bill that the courier pays incase the cargo is lost or stolen) and pays the delivery fee in full (whatever price they set). Once the courier has paid the "insurance" the cargo is visible in their warehouse, upon delivery to the destination port, a notification is sent to the player that set the contract and the money is released to the courier.

    For it to work, it would not send any notification to the player that set the contract until the cargo has been delivered or lost.

    Players could steal this cargo from the courier and deliver it or keep it (just like any goods on player ships or the basic cargo missions). Obviously cargo/passenger mission items would have to be exempt from the delivery contracts.


    This would be great for times when you need to move stuff to another port but don't have time, can't be bothered or whatever and could also push more players into the open world moving goods around, other than just warships and the occasional trader.

  4. On 6/11/2020 at 6:05 PM, Hefestus said:

    So if one member of my clan or nation attacks a Spanish, he gets no -ve Karma, but i cant join the battle to support my own clan because i will get -ve karma? 9if we want to keep karma with spain)


    No because it's the same faction, you can join into battles of the same faction as you on your nations' side without losing karma. This was already explained early in the post. Say you are in the Swedish nation and come across a Brits vs Spain battle, if you join Spain, you lose karma with Brits. If you come across a Swedish vs Danish battle, you join Sweden and lose no karma with the Danish as you joined your own nations' side.

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