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Posts posted by Cyan_PL

  1. I have observed the following behaviour when firing:
    - Guns that cannot engage (typcally out of their firing arc) their designated target just stay idle. They try to track, but that's it. This is most prominent with various secondary guns mounted along the sides. Would it not make more sense to designate a secondary target they could switch to instead?
    - Firing lag. This typically happens whenever one designates a new target and is easiest to observe on large, slow-mowing turrets of the same calibre. The turret that gets its bearing first will fire regardless of its sister turrets, which begins the reload cycle for the whole GROUP. The other turrets with guns of the same calibre, which may have moved into position just seconds later, will just sit and wait till the first turret completes its reload. I have recently build a 5x2x16'' battleship, and several times during the battle 8 loaded guns would have to sit and wait for two guns to reload... Is this actual RL behaviour? I know it makes sense to fire the same calibre in unison (for tracking etc), but should the two rather wait for eight instead of the other way around?

  2. IMO, this featureĀ  is a must. At present, I do not see the point for clever maneuvering, as whatever my ships do, I will not use more than just one 'side' of them. I racall playing some naval sim I in the 90's (forgot the title), where you would assign a primary and a secondary target to a ship as a whole, not to its batteries. All guns that could fire at the primary target would do so, while those that could not (range, angle etc) would fire at the secondary - nice and simple :)

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