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Lying Dutchman

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Posts posted by Lying Dutchman

  1. How I passed the final exam by being terrible....


    I got one good broadside on one of the ships damaging the sails, which should be the basic scenario. I then consequently failed to score any broadside hits at all so I ran away to repair. during my running away I tried to so at least a wee bit of hull dmg with my stern guns on the fast ship. My Aim aparrently is horrible cause the only thing that really happened is that I demasted the ship. Ofc now the first ship started gaining again and took over, demasted him the same way. now they were sitting ducks and i finally got some hits in, sank one and boarded the other while slowly sinking myself.

    took me well over an hour so i dont recommend it but its possible to do the exam while being terrible :)

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