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Doctor Lucky

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Posts posted by Doctor Lucky

  1. Exploitable Refit Times:

    Description: By creating a pair of refits, you can reduce the time and cost of an effective refit of a ship.

    Action Taken: I intend to refit an older design, say an "Idaho" class BB. I create an updated refit the usual way, and save it as eg. "Idaho (1910) - 2". There is an associated cost and refit time reflective of the changes made. Then immediately refit the "Idaho (1910) - 2", make a trivial change, and save it as "Idaho (1910) - 3". This will be a much smaller cost and refit time because it is a minor change relative to the (2) refit.  I then refit two of my base model ships, one to the (2) refit and one to the (3) refit.

    Expected Result: Both refits should take about the same cost and time, since they reflect very similar changes to the base design.

    Observed Result: The (2) refit is significantly more expensive and takes much longer than the (3) refit. eg: 4 months versus 1 month, and $20M instead of $5M.

    Credit: My buddy SherpaTheYeti

    (He says, "Amazing game by the way - big fan")

    PS: I realize that doing the refit cost calculation on the fly probably involves loading the ship designer, which is impractical. But perhaps you can calculate & store the upgrade cost relative to every older design and apply those numbers at refit time?

    • Like 1
  2. Unable to Withdraw from Port Strike

    Game Version: Update 6 (Pretty sure, since my old campaign got deleted - not sure how to check)
    Campaign started in Update 6

    What I'm doing: Attempting to "Withdraw" from "Strike" engagement. 

    What's happening: Withdraw button is lit up and animates the click, but nothing happens. I have to "Fight | Autoresolve"

    What I expect: The action will be ended without damage to port / transport

    Notes: Has been repeatable the last few months

    Screenshot (2) resize.png

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  3. Military Conflict not Registering Attacker Tonnage / Not Progressing

    Game Version: Update 5 (I believe - not sure how to check, have restarted Steam)
    Campaign started in Update 3

    What I'm doing: Attempting to resolve a random event military conflict in Triplolitania with a fleet. Total of 3 months have passed since event began.

    What's happening: Event not registering nearby fleet tonnage, and is not progressing regardless.

    What I expect: Popup will register attacking tonnage, and progress the mission. Or progress without tonnage, for that matter.

    Notes: I have ~230,000t in the local fleet. Event began after I captured the province in a Naval Invasion. Fleet was already in position in the zone. In subsequent months, I moved the fleet elsewhere, and then back again. Speculation that the event is not progressing because I'm supporting a Military Conflict in a province I already control, which triggered in a weird sequence relative to my capturing the province. 
    For example, this may have occurred:

    1. Military Conflict is randomly rolled for Trip.
    2. Completion of Naval Invasion is evaluated and succeeds
    3. My tonnage doesn't register because I'm not valid as an 'attacker' of my territory
    4. Event cannot progress without tonnage over limit



  4. Ran into an anomaly with ship refits and shipyard tonnage:

    Version: Beta

    Behaviour: When I refit a battleship, the shipbuilding capacity in the Finance screen shows roughly double the displacement of the ship I'm refitting. Also, the game acts as though I'm refitting ~2x the displacement in other ways, for example the refit is slow if I exceed the shipyard capacity.

    Steps I took: Set up 4 BBs for refit. Tonnages were 13330, 12971, 14856, 14227 (total 55384t).
    Expectation: Finance screen would show 55384t / 108669t capacity used
    Actual: Finance screen shows 103953t / 108669t used.

    Notes: If I add one more ship, it add 2x that ship mass and exceeds capacity and slows down the refit.  No other ships are building / refitting. If I suspend all 4 BBs, used capacity goes to 0t.


  5. On 5/6/2020 at 8:13 AM, Ink said:


    We cannot reproduce your issue based on your description. We will keep topic for more data from others if others have the same issue. Or please if you can post the video or series of screens of how we can replicate the problem

    Okay, I've managed to reproduce it.

    I have both US and UK english languages available in my Windows setup, but I typically use US.

    The default windows keys for switching languages is "Left Alt + Left Shift" which will rotate to the next available keyboard config. (Try this outside the game with 2 of more keyboards on your list)

    Since "Left Alt + Left Shift + Right Click" is a commonly used targeting combination, with two keyboards it's about 50-50 at the end of a scenario whether I'm in the original or alternate keyboard setting.

    This is going to be an issue for anyone with multiple keyboard configs, which is uncommon but not unheard of. Don't know if it's possible to override the windows hotkey in this case.

  6. I attempted to force an update, but my automatic updates seem to be up-to-date.

    Is it possible it's the launcher?  I'm not sure how to separate the two - let me know if I can run the game directly if that's a test I can do.

    I repeated the problem today - my computer's been up for about 4 days.  Watched another Stealth17 video and tried to replicate a scenario he played.  Right before I launched the launcher, I tried hitting shift+2, got an At sign;  played a custom game, and on exit, Shift+2 gives a quote.  Pretty sure it's related in some way to your software.  Just as mystified as you though, since there's no reason for that to happen.


  7. Hi there,

    I wanted to report a minor but annoying issue with UA:D.  After playing (and exiting) the game, my @ and " keys become swapped on my keyboard.

    My Windows 10 is set up for US English and a US English keyboard, so my @ key is a shifted 2 and my " key is a shifted ' and is to the immediate left of my Enter key.

    After running UA:D, in other applications (eg: browser, Minecraft, etc.) the keys become swapped; that is a shifted 2 prints " and a shifted ' prints @.

    I am able to reverse the problem by restarting my PC, or by going into "Advanced Keyboard Settings" in Windows and selecting "Override for default input method" and setting it to US English.

    Please let me know if you'd like more system data or for me to submit a bug from within UA:D to include more info.


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