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Posts posted by Saktiyudaht

  1. On 2/22/2020 at 9:17 PM, Ruan said:

    If you want to save on cost and tonnage you have to cut somewhere. 18" to expensive? Use 17 or 16" or drop a turret down to 3 instead. Want that 18"? Then cut on components or armor. etc, etc.

    Well the thing is, I had the default armor settings which suck against 13" even and I wasnt going triple turrets and for an H class ship 18" are reasonable, since the actual plans for the H-44 would have had 8X 20" guns although the first H-39 would have had 15" guns indeed.

    I guess they went for a more realistic approach but with the enemy ships running away after sinking the first BB its nearly impossible to reach them without 18" Guns

  2. 7 hours ago, Reaper Jack said:

    AI not having hard limits on anything so it almost always outperforms the player.

    I could not agree more, since the auto build is just random, I once had an AI use so many real heavy guns which wouldve not fit on the hull type in any possible way. For example i wanted to play the "numbers dont matter" mission and the enemy ship had 4 18" and 10 9" so i couldnt do jack shit against it with the ally destroyers and those 9" guns would even penetrate my battleships ive designed.

    Ive purchased this game based on Youtube Videos that I've watched and when i tried to replicated some of the desgins they used (I tried like 10 different missions) I would always end up with being 20k tons overweight or 30 million over budget. So its not the AI that has been made OP in the last update it was actually the player getting severly limited

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  3. Yeah ive just posted about another problem with this mission and i have to agree this is game breaking for this mission and since you cannot go beyond 25 kn without being unable to have more than 1 gun its impossible to catch them, they have changed the cost of most stuff you used to able to have multiple secondary weapons and max armour but now you just cant use anything else but 18" guns, I was always able to sink one BB but the other would just turn around and run away and since i cannot get any secondaries I would just get sunk by the DDs

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  4. As ive mentioned in the title, most ships require a much higher amount of money and sometimes weight than they should, lets take the "Build an H ship" mission for example if you want 4 18" Turrets you basically cannot get any secondaries at all without having way too little armour or other vital equipment needed to fend off the 2 BB and the 4 DD which will quickly take you out. Ive felt this limited in most other missions, now dont get me wrong I dont want the missions to be easy but I find this game is more of a sandbox type but its ship designer is just severly limited by the weight and mostly cost of the equipment. I hope this gets changed in the next update and on a side note i kinda want the cheat menu back since it would some missions more replayble.

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