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Posts posted by Morgan

  1. "A Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection" (c. 1599), known as the Wright–Molyneux Map.






    Ortelius - Maris Pacifici (1589)





    Piri Reis map of Europe, the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa from his Kitab-ı Bahriye (Book of Navigation), 1521-1525



  2. I agree with Bungee. And the variety of ships could used on that (Golden time as Theodore said).

    Different situations, different ships and different upgrades/equip.

  3. I think, Wind you pretty much see the "skillsystem" NA is going for.

    There will be no skill like potbs. You have the crew focuses and maybe some other commands to tyour crew.

    No BS invince and extra dmage skills/spikes.


    I think that the surrender should give "some" sort of benefit compared to let you sink totally. There should be a reason for the player to choose the surrender option.

    Maybe a surrender affects the way certain nations are respecting you. Same for the crew you hire next. If you fight to the last man with no way of winning a fight your base morale for the next crew you hired is lower.


    I mostly agree with no ridicilous old-school skills like invince etc.

    But players should have some skills. And important ones imho.

    Is a game = the best player/team should have a strong advantage.

    If 90% of the gameplay is based on the type of ship you play, then is mostly an auto-fire = Biggest ship wins, always.

    Wouldn't like to see such a thing.

    Also is historical proven that great strategies and commands, overcame power and won crucial battles.

    Same for pirates, who used the ellement of surprise and weather conditions. Could attack n destroy/win/plunder much bigger ships with just a sloop.

    Ofc i don't mean that sloop can win a 1st rate, but ... u know.


  4. Before the stupid ship-revamp and "uh no magical skills"-removal the burning sea was a hell of a fun to be. numerous of OS pvp groups to fight with and even some RvR going on!.

    After the crappatch most good OS grpups immediately gone off forever. Most players who are coming back dont stay for long.


    Before 2.11 I think...

    Anyway, you reminded me some great moments and fun we had those days.

    The good thing is that I see many familiars "foe's and friends" in here, so i guess we meet once again soon.

    • Like 1
  5. Spanish ship Santa Ana (1784)

    Santa Ana was a 112-gun three-decker ship of the line of the Spanish Navy, built to plans by Romero Landa. She was the prototype and lead ship of the Santa Ana class, also known as los Meregildos, which were built during the following years at Ferrol and Havana and which formed the backbone of the Spanish Navy - the other ships were the Mejicano, Conde de Regla, Salvador del Mundo, Real Carlos, San Hermenegildo, Reina María Luisa and Príncipe de Asturias. Her dimensions were 213.4 Burgos feet long, 58 feet in the beam and a total tonnage of 2,112 tonnes.

    She was launched on 28 September 1784 at the Reales Astilleros de Esteiro. She was tested at sea on 28 February 1785 under the captaincy of Félix de Tejada, who reported the test to his commanding officer that the ship "kept the battery in good use [even] in a fresh wind and heavy seas". The success of the trials led to a royal order that subsequent three-deckers would be built to the same plans.
    From 1803 to 1804 she was captained by Dionisio Alcalá Galiano. At Trafalgar she was the flagship of Alava and captained by José de Gardoqui - she suffered 97 killed and 141 wounded, with Alava himself seriously wounded, and was captured by the British. However, two days later, a squadron under the command of Commodore Cosmao-Kerjulien succeeded in recapturing her and getting her back to Cadiz.
    At the start of the Peninsular War in 1808 she was undergoing repairs at the Arsenal and so could not participate in the capture of the French squadron under Admiral Rosily. She and Príncipe de Asturias moved to Havana in 1810 to avoid capture by the French and sank in its Arsenal in 1816. In 1834 she could still be seen next to the Príncipe de Asturias (which had also sunk) in the mud in front of the Arsenal.

    Class & type:     Santa Ana-class ship of the line
    Tonnage:           2,112 tonnes
    Length:             213.4 Burgos feet
    Beam:               58 Burgos feet
    Sail plan:           Full rigged ship
    Complement:    1,102 (at Trafalgar)

        On launch:
        30 × 36-pounder cannon
        32 × 24-pounder cannon
        18 × 8-pounder cannon
        At Trafalgar:
        30 × 36-cannon
        32 × 24-pounder cannon
        32 × 12-pounder cannon
        10 × 8-pounder cannon
        10 × 48-pounder obúses (howitzers)
        2 × 32-pounder obúses
        6 × 24-pounder obúses
        4 × 4-pounder pedreros (swivel guns)

    Armour:     None





    • Like 3

    4. Convoy Defense: I see this playing out a couple of different ways. 1) Equal ships with one group given the responsibility to protect a group of NPC merchantman.A captured merchantman sails off to a designated map point piloted by its "prize crew". The defenders have the choice to give chase and recapture or to stay and try and prevent more captures. 2) A battle of unequal ships where say a few higher tier frigates must defend off larger group of lower tier "privateers" before they are able to capture the npc merchantman.


    Based on Reb's idea and borrowed a Wind's map. Timed and predefined pvp event (like PotBS PB's).

    The Supply Convoy Route is randomly choosen at the beggining of event.




    1. Interrupt Enemy's Supply Convoy (result: unrest, leads to port battle or whatever)


    1. Destroy as many enemy ships as you can (Defending Players)

    2. Capture at least one of enemies Cargo/Supply ships (Enemy NPC)




    1. Protect as many Supply ships as you can (each one lowers unrest etc)


    1. Destroy as many enemy ships as you can (Attacking Players)





    Of course, all comments and varieties are welcome.

    • Like 6
  7. On the fourth part, was misunderstanding. I don't point on specific vessels like the HMS Victory you mentioned. I agree is a British ship. I speak about general types fo ships.

    For example, a 3rd rate ship in PotBS wasn't allowed for Privateers or Freetrades. Was only available for Naval Officers. Same was for Achilles (Privateer only)...

    On one hand, yes this is historical correct.

    On the other hand.,this is a game.

    And a different class than Naval Oficcer still belongs to the specific nation. Therefore, those also should be allowed to command such ships when have good standing with Admiralty (as you mentioned).

    If we stick 100% in history and reality, then we should consider have only one (unique) of those ships and only one player (Naval Officer) can command one.

    And if we continue be absolutely accurate with history and facts, then every ship in game should be unique!

    That would be amazing but i doubt is possible. The database would be enormous and developers should get a life time golden award in "MMO Hall of Fame" if accomplish such a thing!

    That's why i speak general for classes and types of ships and who will be able to command them.

    • Like 1
  8. I would like to tell you a small list of things I DON'T want to see in the game. Maybe i'm a bit out of topic here, but i believe we all have faced those situations in PotBS.

    Of course the game will be different, but doesn't hurt to remember some poor elements of PotBS and keep them in mind.


    - A Latin-restricted chat, not allowing players writing in whatever keyboard language they like. Official Language of game: English (At least main/general chat).

    I really want to be able and read what people say. My former experience in PotBS (especially after server merge) was like living in the tower of Babel.

    I do know that some people don't speak English well or at all. But since this is a game that adress to everybody and English is the world's main language, is the right thing to do.

    If some players want to speak their native language, they can always make a society and feel free to speak whatever language they want in their society tab.

    - Choice of Nicknames in Latin character set only. For the same reasons as above, plus: I believe everybody who played PotBS is familiar with situations like the following:

        During PVP or PB's...

                    - What's the target?

                    - That guy with the Russian name.

                    - Which one??? There are 10 of them!

                    - The one with Heavy Herc.

                    - I see 4 with Cyrillic names and Heavy Hercs!

                    - The one with red sails.

                    - The are 2 with red sails!

                    - Ummmm... Kaeers Zoebvskiersdearetergsds (leader tries pronounce the name)

                    - Never mind (....glub glub glub....)


    - A well-designed pvp system that won't give the chance to players grumble in the game or forums. Main issue of PotBS was always the pvp system and changed many times...

    ( - Ohhhh we were only 2 and you were 6 qq   - Three bad pirates ganged me in the red when i was hauling qq   - He was 50 with a BIG ship, i was only 20 with my little ship qq   etc etc)


    - A system that will encourage the dedication of a player to a specific nation and won't allow running multiple clients at the same time. Last days i remember in PotBS was like:

                    - Hey dude, what you doing now?

                    - Running Eco.

                    - Oh ok, where?

                    - All over. I'm getting stuff with my Englishman, trading to my Frenchie. Then my Rat will give to my Spanish and then..,

                    - How many characters do you have???

                    - Oh, let me see.. 4 Rats, 5 English, 4 French, 5 Spanish...

                    - ............


    - Ships that can be used by everyone in game, no matter nation/class (if exist). Maybe a huge ship needs some kind of permission so you can use it? Fair enough.

    Or needs first you have done several steps to be able to build it? Fine too. But those rules stand for eveybody. I wouldn't like see things again like:

                   - Did you read the patch? A new ship will be added.

                   - Oh nice.

                   - You can't use it. Is Naval Officer only.

                   - Yeah, got it. Maybe is been constructed on Jupiter, and is well-known that only Naval Officers have been on Jupiter........


    Some other things too that can't remember right now , but i guess you got an idea what i'm talking about.

    • Like 4
  9. They could have started with preventing trading between rival nations. That would tackle the econ side of it. No more Rat toons being used for Brit econ.


    The second thing they could have done is make a rule against playing different nations on the same map. There goes your pvp xteaming.


    When PotBS launched, nations couln't trade each other, only use Auction Houses to buy items. Also, nations couldn't understand each-other in chat, unless they spent a talent point to earn diplomat.

    And that was very good. I still wonder what they thinking when they changed it....

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