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Posts posted by Linkdeous

  1. I honestly love this game, and as a lot of people said, most of my improvement ideas are for the designer of the ship :

    -1 Please please please make so that we can put barbette like we put central turret : not having "preset" place for them, so we can for example put barbette on DD to have aft superfiring turret design, or that we can have secondary turret on top of main battery guns, or we can create interesting design like USS Texas without having to get a headache from "preset" positions

    -2 Also just maybe you should remove preset positions for EVERYTHING, not being able to "pinpoint" place the main tower, secondary tower and the likes is kinda meh, and it would give far more design to be re-done more accurately

    -3 It would be very nice for some nation to get Quad battery mount, for France and UK namely, as most (if not all) their BB during the mid war period/ WW2 period had quad turrets (Nelson, KGV, Dunkerque, Richelieu, ...)

    -4 Maybe a bit more difficult, but being able to place secondary turrets on top of some of the main towers ? some of them have kinda large freeboard on them, but they are considered as a object and so you can't place anything on it but if there is a "preset" place for a turret/casemate

    -5 I would personally love being able to choose from different design of turret,... without having to reload each time a scenario to get the right nation

    -6 Scaling and procedural : I would love, LOVE seeing this in the game : Barbette that you can choose the width and height , Bigger turret of smaller caliber, changing the size of some parts of the ship's superstructure to try to create a replica of a certain ship, and so on.


    -7 Decorations : I would very very very very much love being able to place some "decoratives" on my ships design, and they would allow for very nice looking ship, or better replica : a dome like radar on a cruiser sides ? some lifeboat in the middle of the superstructure ? AA guns to fill in the "blank space" ship sometimes have ? Flag pole and some other kind of things that would look nice ? It would be nice for example for british and american ship to have the bell be placeable where you want

    -8 Paints, decals, and camo : It would be nice to be able to be able to paint parts, or even maybe some part of the parts : coloring your US BB turret's top in red , germans ones in dark, etc etc or just going for a "dark looking ship" or a "bright, cheerfull and pink-y love spreading ship" ? would be fun !
    Decals : as there is already a decal system in the game for damage (implemented like 1/2 update ago), i thought it would be very nice to be able to customise the ship's part with decals of your choosing : adding the "clock" on a french ship's main tower, or some kriegsmarine decal on your deck, and so on.
    Camo : as for camo, it would be kinda simple : have a huge, colored decal that would only be appliable to the hull of the ship/ superstrcture, and would make for some pretty amazing looking ships !

    -9 Planes : Adding some kind of rails either on your main turret, middle of the ship, stern, woudl both look good (so mostly the 7th part about deco) but would also make plane a possible system in the game : having a plane could for example just give you a boost to accuracy/range, with just having to add a plane flying away animation, and would make for some very cool pictures and ships ! (also would make the "decorative" AA gun to fill the blank space maybe a useable gun ?)

    Thanks for reading, and i really really hope you'll consider adding some of those ideas in the game, it would be awesome !

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