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Posts posted by BB_Illusions

  1. A few things I saw after playing a bit today.

    If the turrets from any ship rotate towards an enemy and one is opening fire because it was 'faster' or in a better position than the others, all others don't fire. For example, 5 turrets aiming at enemy and 1 is already opening fire, the other 4 'wait' until the 1st one reloaded, even with them in position.


    Ammo seems to be calculated wrong too. I had 2x5 Torpedo turrets on my DD but only 6 Torpedos left. With it getting into position, it still fired 10 Torpedos at the enemy.

    Overall I would like to have an option here to use Torpedo Turrets in solo mode, like if the DD, or Cruiser has 2 if them, the 1st goes for Ship A and the second for B. Especially if one salvo would be enough to sink the ship. Seems to be a waste of Torpedos, to attack a TR or CL with 10 Torpedos, when 5 or less are enough.


    HE Shells did ~600 pen dmg (with fire and flooding) on Enemy BB's at a range of 23000, while AP only did like 80 with pen, if they did dmg at all.

  2. A few things I found so far. Unable to place 2" Secondary guns at the Modern Tower I (there are 3 spots at the front on each side). Searchlights? and air intakes that are 'invisible' in the ship builder are not fitting when in battle. I mean they are in the wrong places, like in front of a main Gun, or right inside of secondaries, making them look weird.



    Some turrets look broken when looking at them.



    HE Shells seem to do more Dmg than AP to a Battleship (1st picture) that is 30km away. AP is bouncing of, while HE is penetrating towards flooding.


    The turret position and placement shouldn't be possible...



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  3. Everytime when I play, the output_log is getting a bit out of hand. I mean, after a while the game starts to lag and crashes, not sure if that is because the log file is above 5GB in size to that time... I can't even open it in a normal way to look what is wrong, the most I was able to see in there (as the file was less than 1MB big) was the same error message. From the look it seems a new line gets added every second.


    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    Google Analytics hit request failed with error Couldn't resolve host name
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    Google Analytics hit request failed with error Couldn't resolve host name
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    Google Analytics hit request failed with error Couldn't resolve host name
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

    to main menu
    Google Analytics hit request failed with error Couldn't resolve host name
    (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)


    The log file is 6MB big having the game open for 5 minutes, doing nothing while in the main menu and keeps growing.

  4. Made a Destroyer to use for the Armed Convoy Mission.

    Besides a few Guns, I used 4x4 20" Torps. It took me many tries to sink the CA in that missions. Many times the CA got hit with a full salvo, 16 torps, but it only lost like 50% HP, if at all and the flooding... wasn't even existing after 5 minutes. They fixed the holes in seconds (no room was flooded fully), even when the Torps where hitting the Ship from bow to stern.

  5. Tried to Build a few Ships, but it wasn't that easy, especially with what is atm available and where we are allowed to place things.

    Kawachi  6x2 305mm Main guns, 14x1 152mm Secondaries (casement), Displacement ~21800 Tons

    Best Hull I could find to use, Funnels are placed wrong too, couldn't place them like on the Ref Picture.




    Kongo Proto 5x2 305mm Main Guns, 16x1 152mm Secondaries (casement), Displacement ~24500 Tons

    Wasn't allowed to make the Starboard gun facing the rear and couldn't place the 3rd, smaller funnel. Same for Hull and Towers, best I could find.




    Wanted try a few others, like the ISE, but they are even harder to make with the available hulls, same for placements from the Bridge, Funnels and main Turrets.


    Ref Pictures are from Steel Ocean.

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