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Posts posted by Steeltrap

  1. Armour being "too effective"??

    Don't know who could possibly believe THAT to be an issue.

    IMO it's demonstrably the OPPOSITE.

    For example, a 1.8" shell strikes the 12" belt, gets a 'partial penetration' AND starts a fire.

    Or 3" shell striking a 12" armoured turret from a range where it had next to nothing penetration yet results in a 'partial pen' AND damages the main gun.

    With all due respect, a mechanic that produces these results regularly, as is the case right now, needs a substantial correction, but NOT in the direction of making armour even LESS effective.

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  2. Any plans to do anything about the Borg sighting?

    It's plain, old fashioned bullshit to say a ship can fire at you from 17km away because a DD can see you from 3km away.

    That simply WAS NOT THE CASE in any effective measure, or indeed largely AT ALL with the exception of shore bombardment, but that's an entirely different gunnery situation. Not until late into WW2 did ships have effectively fully integrated radar in their fire control suites. Even those continued to train optics on their targets when possible because of issues around radar effectiveness at spotting fall of shot and thus making corrections.

    Seeing videos of ships in 1900-1912 doing it is just dumb and lazy. It was equally the case 2+ YEARS ago when I and others raised it.

    I've not bothered with the game since it went to Steam, but I've watched videos of others playing. The same old issues with combat remain as best I can see. MAX Bulkheads = Zombie apocalypse fleet, for example.

    When things like the specific issue I mentioned get addressed, plus the many other important (with respects to claims of realistic) issues raised, then it might start to look promising again.


    p.s. Interesting how few of the names around from those times appear to have stuck at it. Can't remember when I last poked my nose into this forum.

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  3. On 4/22/2022 at 5:29 AM, SodaBit said:

    Given that the Big Seven were coming online in the early to mid 20's it seems a bit weird that smaller, more widely used guns would be at the same level of maturity (or lower) as the new highest caliber guns? Also, iirc, the 15" guns used at Jutland weren't hilariously inaccurate in comparison to the 11" and 12" guns, the accuracy was actually considered to be better on the Q.E's, but that might just be down to crew training.

    Yeah, at least one of the QE's proved to be one of the most accurate ships in the entire order of battle of Jutland.

  4. On 4/13/2022 at 11:26 PM, Spitfire109 said:

    So you want cruisers to have no real chance against a capital ship? Or are you just salty your crappy BC got wrecked by a ship half it's tonnage? The only loser here seems to be the 'Flora'.

    You can't have it both ways.

    If Nick is going to insist on the game "priding itself on realism" then a cruiser armed with 7" and 5" guns against a capital ship with 14" belt and 7" deck armour MUST get smashed with next to no damage done in return.

    This whole "we need shells to damage things they realistically couldn't because 'fairness' demands it" is the ANTITHESIS of "priding realism".

    War ISN'T fair. The idea, if you've a brain, is to make it as UNFAIR FOR YOUR ENEMY as you possibly can. If you're NOT thinking that way, don't start a war and don't be in charge of one.

    But apparently it's necessary because reasons.

    There are a LOT of mechanics in this game that are simply miles from realism.

    Seeing a capital ship trashed by small calibre naval guns, ESPECIALLY by fire, is absurd UNLESS there are some truly remarkable conditions involved. Point blank fire at night, such as happened around Guadalcanal, is a case where it's possible, but that's because the armour on the IJN BCs wasn't all that great and 8" USN guns at a few thousand yards had enough penetration to deal with it. At the same time, however, USN South Dakota (in a different battle) got hit by at least 23 hits from memory, up to and including 14", and suffered NO 'loss of ship threatening' damage. The Captain's battle report pointed out the fires that started in the superstructure were small and rapidly extinguished.

    The "lessons" of Tsushima, especially about effectiveness of HE and dangers of fires, were in fact INCORRECT. Proper analysis of the results proved what everybody already knew: ships sink through loss of buoyancy, which means water entering the hull. I don't believe (again, haven't checked) that a single Russian ship sank due to fires. It was all mines, torpedoes or penetrating hits at/below the waterline. Sure, fires can and do impede crew efficiency. The likelihood of fires making a ship impossible to survive, however, is extraordinarily small unless, again, some truly peculiar circumstances are present. The obvious exception was CVs in WW2 of course, but that's an entirely different subject and doesn't belong here (and even it isn't cut and dried).

    Interestingly enough, none other than Jellicoe himself understood that last bit, making the point that the HE fire at longer ranges might prove distracting but that the killing of ships wouldn't be possible until their armour might be penetrated at ranges of approximately 10,000yds or less. That's more or less what he stated leading up to Jutland, and his battle plans were made with that general premise central to his thoughts.

    Apart from any other issue, a shell that doesn't penetrate the main armour of a hull (or anything else for that matter) ought NOT start a fire. It takes remarkably little armour to defeat an HE shell. Approx 3" of standard WW2 armour would defeat a USN 16" HE round. The idea a 7" or 5" round hitting armour greatly over its capacity to penetrate yet it can STILL start a fire is bollocks. The shell burster WON'T function in pretty much every case of a 'partial' penetration, and it is largely a function of the bursting charge that fires start. An HE shell, as I said, would simply detonate on the surface and leave a shallow dent. It WON'T start a fire INSIDE that armour.

    None of this ought to be news to people who have read a lot on the subject. Go to www.navweaps.com and look around in the historical article section and there are all sorts of great material. Nathan Okun is a person with his own section in navweaps because he's such an expert, and has designed programs you can download that will simulate the performance of various guns striking various types of armour with various types of shells. It's astoundingly detailed, and fascinating. Also gives you an idea of how complicated it really is.

    Problem the game seems to have had, and I've not bothered with it for a long time now, was the rush to ensure certain things were possible resulted in those things happening SO many times more than anything vaguely close to verified historical realism that it became almost a parody.

    Turrets popping off like champagne corks due to flash fires, for example? Happened all the time in game. Even 4" guns on open mounts without direct ammo feeds etc on Transport ships could have "flash fires" (which didn't stop those gun firing afterwards; I don't believe I EVER managed to destroy a TR's guns before the ship itself sank). Now go research how frequently that happened historically. Same goes for flash fires leading to magazine explosions YET the ship not sinking. That's astoundingly rare for the first element, and all but IMPOSSIBLE for the second. Yet again, saw it many times.

    We went over all this and a crap ton more for a few years around here. Didn't really make any difference, there wasn't much appetite for something that deserves the right to claim it prides itself on realism.

    Maybe it's changed now?

    If someone I trust says so, I might check it. I've not seen anything to suggest the battle mechanics have addressed the many obvious problems, however, and until they do the rest of it (campaigns etc) is of no interest to me. Why would I go to all sorts of efforts to design ships and all the other things required in the campaign if the battles themselves remain as silly and predictable as they were?


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  5. On 1/27/2022 at 9:49 PM, theonlymaverick said:

    It really can be infuriating to watch, especially when the AI seems to build these a lot in the early years. Compare that to a battleship with the same level of compartments sinking from one torpedo, it just seems so bizarre...

    We've only been mentioning this very absurdity around here for a bit over 2 YEARS now.

    It's why I said I couldn't care less about the campaign because if absolutely vital, core battle mechanics remain placeholder or junk then the campaign can't possibly hide such things once its 'newness' wears off.

    Put differently, how many will play campaigns over and over if every battle they're confronted with ridiculous damage sponges and all the other things we've banged on about for ages to no effect?

    Not many, I'd imagine.

    I've not bothered to download it on Steam because I have zero interest in playing it until I see the devs get real about addressing these crucial, core, and currently absurd aspects of the main alleged selling point of this game, namely "realistic" combat depiction.

    Everything else is window dressing to me until THAT is sorted.

    If this and other persistent, glaring issues aren't addressed then RTW2 is by far the superior, proven product for anyone interested in 'realism'.

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  6. On 12/19/2021 at 5:26 PM, Neonknight_ger said:

    We need better, more prominent notification. The humble "DD Fearless spotted enemy torpedoes" message tends to be hidden between dozens "CA hits CL with 2 cm for 5 damage" text lines. To make things worse, you have a hard time seeing incoming torpedoe salvos on your PC screen.

    A more prominent warning message, e.g. on top of the screen would help much, and also there should be an option to mark torpedoes with notable markings (blue for own, red for enemy ones).

    Had several discussions about exactly this issue way back when torpedo spotting reports became a thing.

    Here's just 1:


  7. 3 hours ago, TheRealJostapo said:

    This is even with the questionably cheaty AI torpedo avoidance.

    I'd suggest it's tied to core mechanics, but I don't believe the AI has any inherent advantage over the player. It must depend on your ability to spot torps and then how responsive your helm is, and the tech for those are open to the AI and player. Granted you might face an opponent who has better tech and thus be more capable, but that's not cheating per se.

    The manoeuvrability of ships in the game is rather massively ramped up in some respects. I wrote about it a long time ago, and why it mattered, but it made about as much difference as anything else I've ever written, LOL.

    War on the Sea has the same problem. I see people complaining about being hit by submarine ambushes but I've never understood why because ships are so hilariously agile that they almost NEVER ought to be hit. I think I've played something like 350 hours of that game (in fact I largely stopped playing this and have had many interesting discussions with WotS's dev; even got some things altered pretty quickly or various extra config text items added so I could play around with some additional variables) and I've been struck by a torp from ambush ONCE. Even my BBs have no trouble dancing on the heads of pins.

    It's ridiculous, but the WoWS crowd in particular now think ships really were able to accelerate crazily, particularly ahead ("0 to 35 knots in a >50,000t warship in less than 60 seconds? Sure, no probs; in fact if you fly the appropriate flag, you can go even faster!!11111!!!"), so if you made the system more realistic perhaps the forum would explode, LOL.

    Given it is what it is, however, yes, ships are much more able to avoid torps in just about any situation. But then you can build monster torpedo ships, so that somewhat counters it.

    It's almost worth putting some hard limits on just how many of particular weapons and reloads you ought to be able to carry, or at least allowing for that to be turned on by players who don't want massive "walls of skill" tactics to be a thing.

    If you put ship manoeuvrability more akin to reality in the game but allowed torp numbers that are just silly to stay, only the AI would use guns, LOL.

    To be fair, however, I think this game does it better than War on the Sea, which is even more "my BB starts to turn within 3 seconds of ordering some rudder put on" which is just LOLS.


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  8. 15 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    We will improve the campaign distances. There must be an error somewhere.

    If the campaign has some setting that has ships plonked 'x' distance from one another instead of a distance that is directly the output of the visibility/spotting mechanics then I would suggest that's the error.

    It's all but mandating scenarios for the player where they will think "WTF??? How did my entire line of ships NOT see that/those further away??"

    If the campaign is meant to be with the same visibility system but seems to be producing results that are anything but, then, yes, that would seem to be a pretty easily defined bug.

    Are you able to confirm which system the campaign uses for positioning forces, and what the possible ranges are IF they aren't directly produced from the same spotting system that functions in battle?

    I understand the campaign might use a scaled down version where it uses the most visible ship from each as the target for the opposition to spot while also using the best vision available in a force as the one that's used to detect something. In other words, a condensed version of visibility vs 'stealth', just as is done in things like D&D 5th Edition and countless other games.

    But if it's some arbitrary number set at the campaign level? Even if it's "working as intended" I still think it's poor and would far prefer it be removed and something more along the lines of what I suggested be implemented.


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  9. On 12/12/2021 at 2:01 PM, Skeksis said:

    A nation must expect losses. 

    Take the most unfortunate lost of HMS Vanguard (1909), sunk by internal explosion at Scapa Flow. I'm not saying this should happen in game but DDs appearing at point blank range can be a way the AI/game could make campaigns challenging and simulate unfortunate losses. 

    Maybe the player should endure unfortunate losses? like lets make it a very interesting UAD campaign to play? And then the player endures the struggle to right himself. 

    I wouldn't like it myself and I don't play hard-mode either, not yet, but just because I wouldn't like it (or any one else) doesn't mean hard-mode events shouldn't happen, well at least rarely.

    What does this have to do with the SNAFU vision system and lazy, stupid Borg-sighting?

    Random, "oh damn" moments (maintenance failures, training accidents, whatever) are a perfectly fine set of variables about which to have a conversation.

    What those factors have absolutely nothing in common with is DDs materialising at 1km when they would never have spotted said BB from 20km in order to close on it.

    As for "one must expect losses" , ought I view that as condescending or simply remarkably fatuous?

    Be a pretty pointless combat simulator if one never took losses.

    I can never quite decide if your ability to type replies that ignore the central point of posts to which you are allegedly replying is deliberate or innate.

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  10. ^

    This matter of the vision system is a continuation of the issue of Borg sighting, too, as far as I'm concerned.

    We've been saying for a long time the vision system has some major issues. If you shoot at me, there's no way I don't see you, for example. Maybe all I get is an idea of your bearing and range, but it's immediately a huge "look somewhere over here" sign. Yet that's not what happens because the system runs on a lazy Borg sighting system, something that has no business being in a game in 2021.

    You'd think you'd have a test system with a whole bunch of scenarios mapped out. You'd run your designed game system through those scenarios to see that it generates the result that's expected. If it doesn't, it's a fail.

    That's basic User Acceptance Testing in a nutshell, isn't it?

    Granted, I've only ever done it in situations like banking and insurance companies' systems, so maybe I don't understand it properly.

    On top of that, as I've said many times, you ALSO ought to have a "must NOT" list, too.

    'Must NOT have 6 DDs spawn within 1km of enemy BB' would seem potentially to be one of them. If the visibility is so poor that the BB can't see the DDs, the DDs almost certainly would never have spotted the BB from range to close on it. That leaves both forces happening to be on converging courses at exactly the correct distance and speed to come within 1km of each other.

    I don't think I need to comment on the statistical likelihood of that happening, especially if it's in open seas.

    That absence of the "must not" list is one I've seen cause all sorts of mayhem (a bank ended up fined ~$1.6 billion because of what I'm sure was a failure to have that check in place with a change made to their ATM network; considering they were technically liable for something like a fine of $50 billion due to the number of breaches through the network, they got off lightly).

    It's simple yet so often seems to be neglected, with predictable consequences.

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  11. I posted quite some time ago (I seem to say that a lot, LOL) about how the issue of relying on someone in the dev team to punch out hulls is poor design.

    It's a single point dependency for a start, but the other issue is, as was mentioned, exactly WHY some hull gets x% resistance (that makes it more damage absorbent BEYOND issues such as compartmentalisation and armour, for example, which seems pretty arbitrary and pants) and other such characteristics is entirely hidden.

    Far better to go back a layer and make available whatever inputs CREATE a hull.

    I want a certain beam:length ratio? Fine. I want to prioritise speed? OK, but I'm going to produce a hull that emphasises both size for certain propulsion plant requirements and also hydrodynamic efficiency over compactness with extra weight available for things like, oh, armour.

    Perhaps the problem is the need to render these hulls in a form the game can handle. I'd have thought that could be addressed through 'prefabrication', which would be amusingly appropriate given Henry Kaiser and the Liberty ships. Hell, the Germans took to building a gazillion subs through shipping prefab segments of hulls from here and there to assemble them.

    I think deciding to do all that sort of stuff out of the reach of players BEFORE a hull is released, rather than working on whatever is required to produce a hull with certain characteristics the player can request, is a poor choice. I've thought that for a long time, and said so often enough.

    If we don't think we've enough pre-dreadnoughts, it wouldn't be a problem IF the system I'm suggesting were developed AND the pre-fab hull bits etc had been put in place because then people could simply churn them out via the 'hull development' step.

    Could even have it 'redline/stop' you from pushing characteristics beyond levels your tech can't do.

    "Cannot create a hull of 20,000t or more able to reach 30 knots: insufficient engine power per ton tech available" or something.

    Be REALLY fun if working on hulls could take longer IF you chose to test them, which would give a greater chance of getting close to the parameters you specified. For anyone who's done smithing in "Mount & Blade: Bannerlord", you'd recognise the general idea. For any who haven't played it, when you try smithing a design, you won't always get exactly what's planned depending on your skill level vs the difficulty of the object, and you end up with a weapon that might be better in some ways while worse in others, or just generally worse by a few points across several factors.

    We KNOW that happened with ships surprisingly often. Some reached and exceeded their design speeds etc, others never managed it. Some proved better at sea keeping than one might expect, which meant their performance was less affected by adverse weather; HMS Vanguard is often used as an example of that as her handling of weather allowed her to keep pace with the few knots faster USS Iowa class BBs in anything other than relative calm.

    Want those certain characteristics for a hull? Get better tech, and we'll even tell you where you're lacking. Now THAT could be fun, with clear pursuit of tech because you have certain plans you can't achieve without them.

    Anyway, we've banged on about all sorts of mechanics for a few years, thrown all sorts of constructive criticisms and ideas, questioned some fairly crucial core mechanics, and so on. What did it achieve?

    I'll leave that for you to answer for yourselves. I largely stopped getting into discussions quite a long time ago. I've not even bothered with the latest update or two as they did nothing about the things I consider prevent the game from being satisfying for me (emphasis on that qualifier).

    I volunteered to moderate a long time ago, and was happy to restrict that only to certain, mechanics/fact sorts of threads.

    Offered to curate pulling together issues and suggestions from the main ones, too.

    Also offered to go through ALL their text material, be it intro paragraphs that show while we wait for things to load, or pop-ups that explain things. The whole lot; just give me a word doc or whatever and I'd do it.

    Those aren't all of the things I've offered in the past few years.

    Again, I don't expect them to take me up on things. It appears they don't particularly WANT our help, other than largely to produce data that I believe is sent to them (unless you turn it off), but I may be mistaken. We've seen some of their attitude displayed more recently, and it's not flattering (of them). In some respects uncomfortable reminiscent of WarGaming and WoWS, which apparently might make some people happy I suppose.

    I'll pop in for a half hour's amusement now and again, possibly PM a few people to ask how things are or to comment on various posts, but that's about the extent of my participation now and likely forever. There's no return in taking the time to lay things out in considerable detail with sources etc because it would seem it's not wanted.

    That's fine. I certainly don't expect them simply to roll over because we say so, although I think it IS unfortunate they seem to listen to all sorts of clamouring for frankly trivial things - hello 20" guns, or badly implemented flash fires (I pointed out the flaws in the implementation during testing before its general release, to no effect) -  while remaining entirely silent on really crucial stuff such as the issue of damage con generally, and wonder zombie-creating bulkheads in particular.

    Clearly they will develop it as they wish without much reference to us, with all that entails. The things to which they DO seem to listen are almost always things that push the game away from more accurate representation of naval tech of these times, which I must confess I find both peculiar and disappointing given their claimed intentions.

    I can check ever month or so while spending my time on more rewarding endeavours. Win/win, LOL.

    Cheers all

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  12. On 11/8/2021 at 1:12 AM, SonicB said:

    Side note: it would be really great if we could have a 'point your turrets to port/starboard' function in anticipation of a turn, because it's really stupid waiting a completely pointless minute after turning before you can fire again.

    Suggested this aeons ago, although it's entirely understandable why they'd not put the effort in to do so, even if such effort ought to be minimal.

    At the very least it would be good if you could choose to enable a "return all guns to fore/aft train as standard after 'x' time" where you'd likely have time in minutes:seconds.

    From what I've seen, the only reason ships had their guns trained anywhere other than along the centreline was in foul weather where I've seen BBs with their guns pointed away from the wind/spray. Seen some interesting footage of some Brit BBs/BCs in foul weather with their guns trained off the centre, presumably for that reason. Included in a clip with HMS Hood on her post-refit trials in 1939. You get a sense of just why Hood was nicknamed (unofficially of course, lol) the largest submarine. One other thing it does is give you a sense of just how spectacular a sight she would have been IRL, for many years the largest and fastest capital ship in the world (which of course is not the same as necessarily the most powerful, although to call her 'weak' as some who seem to think her loss wasn't a spectacular fluke by Bismarck and that the battle of the Denmark Strait could've ended very differently do, is patently silly).

    It's entirely possible you'll have seen it already, but here it is. I'm pretty sure there's a glimpse of HMS Iron Duke, Jellicoe's flagship at Jutland, going past in the other direction, too. That's a pretty remarkable bit of film capturing 2 famous ships.


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  13. On 11/7/2021 at 3:29 AM, Skeksis said:

    So what's actually your suggestion for the game? you didn't seem to include one!

    Repeating the point: on how the game looks at it, the target is "lit up" for all to see.

    Remember that your suggestion needs to be plausible to within the state of a computer, programmable and most importantly, virtual (I guess anything that's virtual is the stuff to what active players can mostly response to). 

    I felt it was so self-evident that stating it would be insulting people's intelligence, but apparently not.

    Ships can only fire at what they, directly, are able to spot.

    That's exactly what the game does now if you have only ONE ship; obviously it relies on its own sensors.

    The only thing that need happen is REMOVE the link between A ship spotting something counting as ALL ships spotting it.

    That you or anyone else thinks this needs to be laid out to this extent like breadcrumbs for particularly stupid children to follow is a tad worrisome.

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  14. On 10/28/2021 at 8:11 AM, Skeksis said:

    Look at it this way, your whole fleet is in formation, a contact is made, but you have to manoeuvre each individual ship into their visible contact distance. Doesn’t seem like real actions to me, but if contact made, then the fleet begins turning its big guns, that's more real. 

    The fact "a contact is made" does sod all to help any ONE ship fire at it unless that ship has true radar directed gunnery.

    If it doesn't, or has radar assisted but not of a level it can't train AND range the guns using radar alone, then the fact another ship can see it or DOES have radar is largely irrelevant.

    One reason the USN fared so poorly in the night combat around Guadalcanal was the Admirals seemed to know jack about radar tech. Sounds incredible, but there it is. Point is, the fact some ships could see and engage the enemy not only didn't mean every ship could, but in fact in some instances the fleet/formation commander was sufficiently concerned about friendly fire they prevented ships firing that could see very clearly they were enemy.

    The one really obvious stand out was Adm Lee who had made himself arguably the most knowledgeable and skilled 'radar gunnery' expert in the world at the time. In that respect he was the worst possible opponent for the IJN to encounter at night (where believe it or not he 'hid' in USS North Carolina lol) as he had trained his personnel to a very high degree in radar directed gunnery. The results were pretty clear.

    It was even worse for the IJN as they were virtually entirely optical direction only. Which makes them being able to fire at anything ANY ship can see really absurd, although that's true of 99% of big gun navies through 99% of the history of direct fire naval gunnery.

    That your ships "start turning their guns" might seem more real is nice enough if it floats your boat I suppose, but anything beyond "point them over there somewhere" is 99.95 proof bullshite.

    Personally I don't have much time for "oh it seems cool even if it's utter fiction" for a game that continues to bang on about "realism", and I'm even less interested in excuses for it, but perhaps that makes me peculiar.


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  15. On 11/9/2020 at 3:34 AM, Skeksis said:

    Anybody can review gameplay videos to get to the truth of the matter, most people do before purchase.   

    That one can take steps to discover blatant dishonesty before a purchase in no way excuses that dishonesty.

    "Everyone's dishonest if they can make a money from it without any real penalty so I will be, too" strikes me as a singularly ethically bankrupt way to go through life, but hey, I'm probably strange, LOL.

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  16. 9 hours ago, Skeksis said:

    That's interesting, instead of completely removing the directional message, as per my notion, have it post only upon the last contact lost, no more messages after that. And that last message could remain listed (unchanged) until a new contact is made, then fade away.

    Simple adaptation and completely within the game's current environment. Supports retreating too.

    Yes. The plot screen really IS necessary, but this will do as a stop gap. But they MUST make it possible to 'see' where the ship was last sighted relative to where you are NOW, because that's what would be on the plot.

    As with most things, and it really does my head in we keep bringing this up (by 'we' I mean the players to the Devs), if you start with what is known about how things were done or worked, and model THOSE as reasonably as possible, you'd do a pretty decent backbone of a naval game.

    The absolute basics for a 'command a fleet/TF at sea' game really must include some sort of plot, and the ability to order a course and speed rather than "let's go in that sort of direction but not at our best common speed if we're in a formation" (really, that's a thing?).

    Many other things besides.

    Revolutionary idea, apparently, LOL.

    OK, jokes aside, I understand you can't get everything working as planned immediately, BUT it troubles me we don't get any real indication as to how several MAJOR issues that have persisted for as long as I've been here, and presumably since day 1, will be addressed. Indeed they're often not even acknowledged (anyone remember the "What's wrong with bulkheads?" hilarity?).

    If you're at all interested in another one I've mentioned many times, I think aspects of the visibility system are a real problem. "Borg sighting" ('we are Borg; if one of us sees you, we ALL see you' 😆)  really must NOT be a thing in the final version IF that dreaded claim to 'reality' is to be listed anywhere at the time of selling. Ships could NOT fire effectively at a target they had no means of detecting DIRECTLY themselves, at least not in the sense as there being no discernible difference between shooting like that vs shooting at something they can detect. The whole "my transport can see you so my BB that's so far away when it shoots YOU don't even detect it can still shoot at you as though spotting you directly (and I'm talking WW1 era in this example)" is entirely unacceptable IMO. Will be interested to see if it's ever viewed as a problem, let alone addressed.


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  17. On 10/17/2021 at 1:32 PM, killjoy1941 said:

    Getting the AI to perform the way you're thinking is actually quite a feat.

    Honestly, most people look at AI and game design in general without having any idea what it takes to make even the basic, discreet systems that go into getting the game to actually work. This isn't a shot at you - you're just asking a lot of questions and trying to fill in the blanks - it's an observation of the gaming community in general.

    Anyway, let's look at AI as a general system, or more accurately, a collection of individual systems designed to replicate plausible human behavior. Let's even restrict it to station-keeping, target selection, and formation movement in UA:D.

    The first thing you need to understand is there is no way anyone is going to design some sort of giant program with all the necessary sub-systems to manage all the things needed to get the enemy and non-player controlled ships to replicate a reasonable facsimile of human behavior. That's IBM-level Deep Blue stuff. What UA:D almost certainly has is multiple discreet systems which handle specific aspects of enemy and non-player performance. So how many are there and what do they do?

    Here's a speculative and non-exhaustive list:

    1. Main battery target selection.
    2. Secondary battery target selection.
    3. Torpedo target selection.
    4. Station-keeping.
    5. Damage-induced retirement.
    6. Torpedo evasion.
    7. Collision avoidance.
    8. Screen orders.
    9. Scout orders.
    10. Battle line orders.
    11. Follow orders.
    12. Spacing sub-orders.
    13. Formation movement orders.

    Each of those are separate, coded systems. Each has some impact on the others. Each has to be adjusted based upon actual experience in seeing them interact with the others. It's a lot of very time-consuming work, and probably isn't all that much of a priority at this point in time. Why? Because it's enough to know they function. If they function, the base system is sound, and can be improved at any time. For a game that is functionally pre-alpha (Steam Early Access would qualify as alpha in more traditional terms), it's vitally important that they work, but they don't have to work well. At least not just yet. That's usually late alpha or early beta stuff in traditional dev environments.

    There are exceptions. If you want Nick and the team to be able to make incremental improvements to the AI as we go, record clips of bugs and AI failings, and submit those. The reason the AI auto-design system gets incremental improvements is because players relentlessly submit its problems in these patch threads, often with visual documentation.

    If you want to see discrete AI systems in action, fire up UG:CW if you have it. Play any battle that has skirmishers and line infantry, then:

    1. Move infantry toward an enemy skirmisher unit.
    2. Observe how the skirmishers fall back when the infantry comes within range.
    3. Do it again, but instruct the infantry to hold fire before moving into range of the enemy skirmishers.
    4. Observe how the infantry can move much closer to the enemy skirmishers, up to a certain point.
    5. Do it again with hold fire orders. Notice how the skirmishers fall back at a specific distance every single time.

    That behavior is governed by a system unique to skirmishers. They automatically retreat if an enemy unit approaches within a certain range, but the reason they seem to fall back every time they're fired upon isn't because you shot at them, it's because your unit targeted them. The "AI" uses the fact that it's been selected as a target to fall back, thus convincingly replicating a behavior that seems human. Something that simple makes it seem human, but that's a finished game with much simpler unit interactions than UA:D.


    That's kind of a long answer, but hopefully that helps a bit. 🙂

    Were you to go back a very long time you'd find me speaking about the needs of interlocking yet discrete processes that operate correctly within themselves for all the battle mechanics. The reason being I was criticising the tweaking of this, that and the rest (such as secondary gun accuracy, pen values and the like) when it was clear the systems themselves were far from settled.

    Anyway, won't go on, but my background is as a business consultant to large corporations. I'm hired technically as "Senior Process Analyst" which is a fancy way of saying I tend to lead groups of people who specialise in process review and improvement or design from scratch.

    All of which is to say I think I understand your point, and I'm not at all trying to say "don't teach me to suck eggs", lol. I believe I made the point maybe it IS impossible to do what I was suggesting, but I'd love to know WHY because, from a PROCESS perspective, it most certainly is NOT.

    Indeed, I'd argue what I was suggesting in many respects is superior to having too many manoeuvre sub-processes as that complexity allows greater scope for them to be treading on each others' toes so to speak.

    I'd still start with exactly the same logic: when the player orders a formation, what result is required for that to be classed as performed successfully by the relevant AI routine(s)?

    Right now I think it fails that test on multiple levels, which is why I'd love to look at root causes of what it's attempting to do BEFORE looking at how the programming is attempting to achieve it. I still think the issues with it may well be at even that basic level. Of course I can't know, however.

    It's a very interesting subject. IRL I've always worked out the process first BEFORE letting anyone try to automate/programme it. THEN I give it to system people and watch the requirements and testing at an absolutely granular level. 

    Why worry about a bunch of painful, slow process junk BEFORE doing the sexy computer etc stuff? I like to use the analogy of "suppose you've a pipe that every now and then discharges raw sewerage into your office; are you SURE you want to put a pump on it BEFORE you address why it's producing crap? That's what you're doing if you automate/entrench a crap process in your systems. As an aside, it's not acceptable to say it pumps the crap into someone ELSE'S space so I don't have to care".

    Usually gets the point across, LOL.

    Thanks for the discussion.


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  18. On 10/26/2021 at 3:31 AM, Skeksis said:

    Without the ‘Enemy to ____’  directional (cheat) message, the vectoring retreat becomes a very good AI. At first most players would just lay in a course of the last known enemy position and lose the enemy altogether. Without the cheat message players are going to have to find the enemy. Finding it’s vectoring/circling retreat can be challenging.

    That describes pretty accurately why I've been saying for a VERY long time IF we don't get some sort of plot screen (which really we ought to) we need at least to be able to scroll through the messages to where "lost contact with x ship" comes up .

    There's simply NO WAY the command staff of a ship let alone squadron/TF doesn't have a decent idea of where the enemy was last seen and in which estimated direction and speed they were heading. They kept real time plots, both at the ships' AND Admirals' staffs levels.

    There will be modifying effects, sure, but the point remains in some instances the 'cheat' message is objectively INCORRECT and regardless ought to be entirely unnecessary IF there were a decent overview available.

    I've lost a scenario once because I couldn't remember where that last pesky merchant was and had no way of tracking back through the messages to find it. That simply ought not to happen in a game that's about fleet command etc. Your crew level may affect the reliability of your plot, sure, but not having one isn't acceptable in my book so I sincerely hope it's on their list of requirements before release.


  19. On 10/18/2021 at 4:28 AM, Speglord said:

    For the record I think he's just joking around since the Australian stereotype (well-founded) is that they always say "cunt" even when it's not meant insultingly.

    It may be the stereotype, but I can assure you if you speak like that in large parts of Australia you'll be tagged a "bogan" (not a term I use) or "yobbo" or "peasant" and you'll pay a price in how you're regarded and where you're welcome. To be blunt, it's rather a "class" sort of thing.

    Which is NOT to say it can't be used here as a very peculiar local form of 'affection' and humour, as you correctly said. Thing is that is pretty well known to be narrow in scope (usually within groups of male friends) and NEVER in writing somewhere other than private messages.


    On 10/18/2021 at 5:39 AM, Commander Reed said:

    Well, I'm not australian, and I didn't know that. Either way, I'd find it insulting in all scenarios.

    I AM Australian and don't use it for the reason you mentioned and several besides.

    It's barely ever heard in pretty much every major city, and certainly not in any decent, quality workplace environment.


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  20. 33% for partial pen on the basis of exceeding 18.5% armour thickness strikes me as 99% bollocks.

    I think I've posted this before re HE. The effectiveness of HE against ANY decently armoured target seems always to be grossly overstated IMO. Most certainly is in this game, sometimes hilariously so in earlier versions (no idea how it is now as I never play uber ships and I don't fire HE at armoured targets).

    For example, a 16" 1900-lb Mark 13/14 instantaneous-nose-fuzed ("PDF") High Capacity (HC) US Navy WWII shell cannot penetrate 3" of homogeneous armor!!! It makes a big dent, but the shell destroys itself before its nose tip can move more than a few inches forward - against a 17.3" Class "A" plate the effects would hardly be noticeable (definitely no dimple in that circa 9" of rigid face layer!!!).

    Source: Nathan Okun in an article on IJN Kirishima's hit on USS South Dakota  http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-092.php

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