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Posts posted by Antipater

  1. Thanks for the update, the new hulls, the custom battles - and an AI, that will retreat when ships are damaged and outgunned and not run into pure annihilation like in so many other games. Great game so far.

    But the "accuracy-model" still isn't very convincing on short battle distance - at least in my opinion. I had a fight 1 CL vs 2 DD, 1915 tech. My CL was equipped with 76-152mm guns, the DDs with something around 120mm. In a late phase the fighting distance had shrunk to 400m. Hovering the cursor over the nearest DD the indicated probability of a hit was 1-2%, but for a spot in the water next to the DD 50-60%. Do I get it right: If I ordered my guns to shot at a spot of water 400m away, 1 in 2 grenades would hit the spot or the area nearby? But the moment the DD crosses only 1 in 50 will hit the target? This gives the ship some kind of "bullet proof" magic... It would be great if you could rethink the influence of all these negatives like "small target", speed, cloudy weather in point blank distance.

  2. Right now it's easier to fight a battleship than a DD - the main guns will do their job hitting bigger vessels, while secondarys won't hit a barn. Or will the accuracy of smaller guns, especially casemate mounted ones, mainly depend on the skils of the crew? So bloody beginners will have terrible aiming whilst able gunners do better.

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