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Posts posted by Piotr

  1. I vote definitely for. Also I think we need ability to make some marks, measurment etc. For example to mark last known position and course/speed of dmagad ship which is limping away. In current view it's quite hard to figure out where to look out for it after battle moves dozens km away.


  2. Hi!

    After testing changes in missions Speed basics 2 and undefended convoy. In both I went with CL 2inch and 4inch only. I feel like short range accuracy for small guns is now even to high - it's easy to get up to 100% on short distances which seems as unrealistic as previous unability to hit anything at point blank range. Also now, when much more of shells reach their target it feels like they are doing to much damage - destroyer was sunk after 10hits - 4 came from 4ich guns and 6 from 2inchers (this were surprisingly devastating). As far as I know 3ich gun in first part od XX century was already considered as insufficient even against early destroyers. Poor transport convoy was totally anihilated in just few minutes. I think even this ships were a bit harder to sink with just small caliber guns. 

    Also I feel like adding some accuracy supression penalty for being under fire would increase significance of secondary baterries without making them to overpowered in terms of their destruction abilities.



  3. Hi!

    I'm playing on lower end computer (although above min spec) and because of this expirience some performance issues which might not be reported previously. First of all it's not easy to force the game to use SLI graphics. Beside this - generally combat runs pretty smooth for me (at least on simple graphics setting, have to re-check on higher [edit: just checked on "good" - animation is still smooth when no ship is selected, otherwise is crappy]), but when i select and highlight any ship it starts to drop fps significantly. Once I unselec ship it goes smooth again.

    Other UI issue - on lower resolutions bottom bar (with ship parts) is to wide and covers bottom part of ship stats dialog. It's impossible to read funel efficiency, even after scolling dialog down to bottom.


    anyway - great job, this alpha tutorial feels nearly like full game :D  can't wait for campaign.




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