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Posts posted by Thennek

  1. I realise that most of what I have to say is just echoes, but I need to let you guys know what an awesome job you're doing. I became aware of this game yesterday and bought the special preorder the same day; this project is like a dream come true for me.

    Questions and suggestions:
    - In regard to hulls, I realise that having a highly custom hull system is extremely time consuming and expensive but this shouldn't matter if there are a large selection of hull types to choose from. How many hull types are planned to be implemented into the campaign? How many hull types will be nation specific? Additionally, will all nations have access to some features not generally associated with their naval history (i.e tumblehome hulls)?
    - In the future, will the freeboard of ships vary along with a visual change in the ships' position in the water?
    - You mentioned previously that width would be affected by changes in displacement like length but to a lesser degree (5% I believe it was?), would it be possible to have more sliders for dimensions so that a desired displacement could be met in a very particular way?

    - Will the game be moddable in so far as to add minor nations to the campaign?

    Even without the campaign, this game was $73 Australian well spent. Can't wait to see what you guys do next. :)

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