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Posts posted by Wurstsalat

  1. 20 minutes ago, baltic1284 said:

    Multiplayer i can see but no matter what the development team will have to cross CV question and or make theme in game, right now no as they have enough going on development wise but it can be a DLC they work on once all things are good.

    There already was an answer from nick somehwere that CVs /air combat is not a planned feature.

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Mandric said:

    I agree, i rather not have CVs or atleast an option to opt out of them ingame if they ever arrive


    Guys it makes 0 sense to talk about this aslong as the features that are planned to be in the game at this very moment arent even in. Youre rly just wasting ppls time fantasizing on multiplayer/CVs ... its ot the scope of the project and if you want that its not the game youre looking for.


    Spotterplanes ofc make some sense, altho this would enteil a need for antiair and mechanics supporting that feature. And as of right now i dont beleive this is within reason for the devs to implement at ALL. Develompment is damn slow as it is.

    • Like 2
  3. Hello fellow Seamen,

    I was wondering if the 1.06 Beta will be delayed or if its being released on Sunday ?

    Working week is over for most of us and im kinda waiting for news on the 1.06 Beta which im excited for, since its the first time in 2 years of backing i might get more than an hour of enjoyable gameplay out of this.
    Academy and the very short "Campaign" with constant war are not rly what i enjoy about this type of game.

    Thanks in advance and godspeed.

    • Like 4
  4. 5 hours ago, Cptbarney said:

    Basically this, we can only help so much, but without specifics and visual cues we can only give educated guess which can go either way, AI can be bonkers and i think DD speeds are too high (47knots is mental for a DD at 1920 even if somekind of engine boost kind of thing becomes avalaible for limited usage, even then won't reach speed that high).

    I played 3 games 1 where i struck within 10mins the other 2 where the AI hit at 9mins in and 13mins in. So it does vary a lot. With torps if you can see dds by clicking their icons just keep out of 10km for missions around 1900-1925 and 14km for missions above 1926+ untill you can identify them and what torps they have plus the range on them.

    If he wanted help he would have provided screenshots already, this seems to be a post that only serves to vent frustration.

    Screenshots arend hard to make at all all you gotta do is press print and you can even directly paste them into this forum.

    Nothing constructive to work with even... what are we supposed to do to make you feel better?

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Cptbarney said:


    We might be getting this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Warrior

    I would be fine with that, since then we can witness the transitions from sail and iron to steam and iron to coal to steel to oil etc.

    Would make the game more immersive as well, plus a lot of peeps are forgetting the ability to have a mega campaign combinging ultimate admirals age of sail and dreadnoughts.

    There never was a mention about Ironclads, they do not fit the era this game should cover anyways. By 1900 there were no Ironclads in service with major Nations.

    I can only imagine that there was talk about this HMS Warrior: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/UQzsqoivyZzd-ngp6CUFd8Y7glMhL8oMsXm6LTSuY-c3V-0NFsuqpeErbHCcCcKvuLvJfznK5E7DGMOjBBmsBmbEwmAll1etYcOyXWsF1Xkb3Llny9hkBW6t5hDdSkwCakbKzjE

  6. 1 hour ago, Hawkeye said:

    Hi all

    This is a great game with so much potential. However i have gotten rather bored of the naval academy. I recall the campaign was due out in Dec/Jan? Or was it Feb? Either way, it's now March? Any word on when it's due? I understand the programmers and working hard, just keen to get into a campaign.



    Since the next update after alpha 5 will prolly feature crew mechanics and damage rework. I wouldnt excpect the campaign within the next 2 updates after alpha 5 at all.

    Maybe more towards Q4 this year if were lucky.

    • Like 1
  7. I honestly have no idea why this thread even exists, the ppl that created it sure never read the available blogs the developers put out and also never played the actual game.

    What this will be is a game very much like Rule the Waves but taken a step further with a 3D engine. Also we get the chance to correct all the little things which would have made RtW a better game. Like a overhaul for the (relatively) frustrating battle generator mechanics where you have very little control of what ships showup together etc which makes specialized craft almost impossible (special for escort designed ships vs raider for example).

    Also completly new features that were abstracted in RtW can be implemented now (especcially in battle)

    There wont be an MMO/linear campaign i dont know how you ppl excpect this to go.... this game was pretty detailed on how it should look from the blogs put out by the devs.

    If you dont want a game like that DONT BUY INTO THE ALPHA and ask for the fundamentals to be changed thats not what a alpha is there for.

    • Like 5
  8. This is actually working as intended. While ranging more than 2 barrel turrets just use 2 guns to better observe splashes (more would somewhat make it more difficult to range).

    The turrets should only do it while still ranging tho. They should not do it all the time.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ignominius said:

    Woke up early this morning to sit here and refresh the page until the patch drops. I'm pretty excited to test out the new missions.

    Im doin the same :D

    EDIT: I´ll refresh until Christmas if i have to :3

    • Like 2
  10. After payment you should have gotten an e-mail with a link to the launcher programm, all you need to do is download that launcher, install it and run it. The Launcher will give instructions from there. Once you opened the launcher something similar to this should come up:


    PS: Ist schon zu verstehen wenn irgentwas nicht klappt, dass mann sauer ist, aber bitte nicht ausfallend werden

  11. 5 minutes ago, FinnishJager said:

    Will we one day get various assets to build our own superstructures/bridges instead of using a single full part? Only because say "Hey, I really like the look of the Iowa bridge, but wish I could add another deck somewhere because I love Pagodas too!" and build our superstructures "from the ground up"? 

    (Kerbal Space Program's part lists and building come to mind, as well as Cities Skyline's asset editor)

    I believe this is outside of the scope and not planned yet. Dont get me wrong i love the idea. But it seems like a really complex system to implement (also regarding Ai designs), it may not be woth it focosing valuable dev time on that in the near future.

  12. I can just continue to applaud for the care and straight forwardness of development so far.

    This is coming along nicely and im looking forward to play around in the custom battles to hunt them little bugs 😈.

    Keep up the good work and take all the time needed to do this one right!

  13. I can feel you guys i assume 80% of ppl are waiting for the Campaign now. But we need to be patient!

    Im personally dying do start playing the campaign. If we get the campaign as it was last time maybe with a save function thatll be a great start :3

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