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Posts posted by FireRat

  1. The successful game with all its love put into detail and in all its complexity is probably not very interesting for a large group of players.

    However, this group is much larger than the current online numbers suggest.

    The main reason in my opinion is the constant attacking of new player in their capital-area. New players are essential for the future of the game but just a hand full of players doesn't seem to get this and continue to attack while the game experience suffers.

    Each one of us started and learned the basics of the game, including moving more than 100m away from his capital.

    Even more experienced players suffer from those players as well. Even they need resources to participate in the portbattles, that make the game interesting.

    This game will continue to have a decreasing amount of players if we can't get new players interested in the game and tie old players.


    My suggestion would be a no-PVP zone, which is much larger than the present capital-area, so the beginners are at least allowed to learn the basics and gather ressources.

    If we don't change anything, the game will soon be dead. Who doesn't see that, has not understood the numbers of players in recent months.

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