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Posts posted by Jagsdomain

  1. 2 hours ago, pandakraut said:

    Big or small can both work. A decent rule is to try to bring the recommended number of brigades to every battle. If you have the men and weapons to make larger units as well you can give it a try and see if you like the outcome.

    cool. Experament!

    Shilo was vicious. Lost half my army

  2. On 7/24/2019 at 4:29 PM, pandakraut said:

    In the game, more expensive is generally better in terms of rifles. The repeaters are a bit underwhelming though.

    After several trys the 10 lbs Parrot I dont belive is worth the cost or the slot. I am experamenting with the 20 but the 10 just does not do enough damage for the effort put in. 

    The range is amazing though. Hoping the 20 has the same for counter bat fire.

  3. On 7/25/2019 at 3:01 AM, Blackjack Morgan said:

    As a long time fan of both UG: Gettysburg and UG: Civil War I am really excited about the two new projects. However, I am curious as to why there are not any plans to incorporate a multiplayer component going forward? I get it on UG: Gettysburg as it was the first in the series and probably limited somewhat in its design scope. UG: Civil War improved in so many ways and really advanced the entire game....just a superb title. I can't help but wonder about the untapped potential of adding some form of multiplayer to these new upcoming series....AoS and Dreadnoughts. If you have the same team that did Civil War working on these projects I know they will be great regardless but man multiplayer/co-op would really be outstanding. Oh, and lastly....please for the love of all things holy please tell me that the NA dev team will not be sticking their dirty paws into these two upcoming projects.

    Men at War Assault Squad 2 has multi player but not on the same maps.

    I dont know if you could have a realistic battle that takes a 30 or more min in multy player.

    Pluse having multi player could being in the "you suck because you lost" player that destroys other online communities.

    Just thoughts.

  4. I finally beat Shilo and getting ose to Malvern Hill. I am playing of newby mode. But wondering if investing in the size os the army was a great idea.

    I have my organazation up so the next level would 2500 men per regiment. It seems that no matter how big my unit size is the enemy still has 300 plus more than I do.

    Now I am finding that I don't have the guns and or money to kit or re-kit out an corp let alone make a new corp eve though Gen Grant is waiting.

    Would better strat have been to leave yhe army small and have another corp or to up grade the guns of a smaller army before going big? Or is it a matter of the date as to making a bigger army.

    Another words waiting till after 7 days battle to get a bigger army?

  5. 1 hour ago, pandakraut said:

    10# parrots can be effective for counter battery work. They will be most effective when firing at their maximum possible range.

    20# parrots and 24# howitzers are generally considered the best artillery in the game so spending reputation on them can be worthwhile.


    I will be testing tonight!

    Whats your thoight on infantry guns?

    Is there really a Differance? Historicly there was not a huge differeance as you could not see more than 100 or less yards away because of weather and smoke.

    I have read some books about how "accurate" troops were the the rifled muskets.

    But ingame can be very different.

  6. So I have been reading a great thread on steam about arty. And it gives a great break down on what to buy.

    Do the 10 lbs Parrot guns work for anti arty?

    Would it be worth spending political points on gwtting 20 lbs or 24 lbs Howitzers?

  7. 1 hour ago, pandakraut said:

    Regular skirmishers are hard to make effective. Sniper skirmishers in combination with long range artillery can eventually can break the game.

    The J&P Rebalance mod has some extra randomization elements intended for the campaign battles. It's not fully random battles but it can vary things quite a bit. Once you start to get tired of the base game it might be worth checking out.

    Do wonded officers recover from being wounded?

  8. 1 hour ago, pandakraut said:

    Regular skirmishers are hard to make effective. Sniper skirmishers in combination with long range artillery can eventually can break the game.

    The J&P Rebalance mod has some extra randomization elements intended for the campaign battles. It's not fully random battles but it can vary things quite a bit. Once you start to get tired of the base game it might be worth checking out.

    Thanks. I will start looking at mods. Whether I can figure out how to install them is another question !

    The base game is great. With a little know how you could change the uniforms and stats on gun and take this game to US Revolution or Napoleon or any 1600 hundereds to 1900 hundred battles.

  9. First. Its very immersive and there is alot of help on this and the steam forum. Some one did a very extensive artilcal about artillery.

    2. The game run very smoothly. It very enjoyable how everything moves.

    3. I am hoping that a random battle generator cpuld be creative. After you go through the campaign you have done all the mission. Having a random generator would be cool.

    3. So far I have done the basic set up. 3 infantry and 1 arty.

    Has anyone experamented with skirmishers or sniper skirmishers? Calvery and so on?



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  10. On 7/17/2019 at 5:09 PM, pandakraut said:

    The campaign has approximately 40 battles for each side. Other than the final battle the major battles are the same for both sides, but all the side battles are unique to each side. The historical battles use the same maps but give you preset units while the campaign lets you create your own army to bring to the battle.


    Its a great game but I find the campaign a great place to start.

    I have been watching the History Guy for information.  He is how I found the game to begin with.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, contact said:

    Hi. Firstly welcome to UG. The best ACW available on a computer!

    May I suggest trying  the first campaign battle as the Union. “Capture the train station”.

    This is only a small encounter and will enabled you to learn how the mechanics work.

    When you feel got the hang of it. May I suggest trying the fixed battles. Though this can involve more troops. It will give you an understanding how the game works.

    I used this method and played as CSA and USA. Once I felt confident on the battlefield with how the mechanics worked. I moved on to a campaign.

    The campaign is awesome. Fighting as either the Union or the South. This does involve building and equipping your troops. This again takes time to understand how it works. But you will not be disappointed.

    Any questions you have. Ask the forum. There are plenty of members who will offer valuable advice.

    Best wishes

    I tryed that one. That train was insanely powerful!

    Now I keep running out of ammo! I usw the supply train but still running out.

    How much supply should I get?


  12. 47 minutes ago, Marquis de la Fayette said:

    Bonjour Capitaine,

    Oui, tu as sûrement manqué quelque chose.

    1) Commence déjà par le didacticiel, pour te familiariser au jeu

    2) prends des missions de base rang 7 vs rang 7 par exemple pour gagner de l argent et des avantages

    3) attaque des navires de ton rang pour l argent et augmenter ton niveau de grade

    4) et n oublie pas le commerce.

    5) enfin, cherche un clan (et un bon...) qui t aidera à progresser.

    Cordialement, Marquis de La Fayette




    Sorry but your response is in French I think. But thanks.

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