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Posts posted by Ghift

  1. 4 hours ago, Anolytic said:

    Sooo...you're saying that for every choice we make in PvP from now on, we are limiting our future choices in PvP? 

    By definition we're all eventually only going to be able to join the battles of ONE other nation, if any. And that nation might be different for different people in the same clan. People from the same clan, sailing together, in the same group, will not be able to join the same battles. 

    Did you take into account that alliances change? Or that a nation you're allied to might be enemy with another one of your allies? Or the fact that there are different clans within the same nation with different agendas. And sometimes you know that a particular clan is in an area or battle and you join against them even though you would not join against other clans in that nation.

    Does every exploit have to be countered by an extremely restrictive mechanic that punishes all of us, especially the ones who never abused? Why can't we just go on reporting abusers and they get banned, but the rest of us can go on using the mechanics normally.

    srsly... if i attack a player of a nation.. i won't be able to join in a battle against it after?? 

    if the player i chase escapes, my friend tags him outside,  i can't join in it after? 😂😂

    i ask honestly, are you willing to kill "hunting" in this game? thx god one of you had the smart idea to put patrol for 5th rates.. but after that?

    I totally agree with Anolytic.. why punish everyone if only few arseholes uses exploits?

    it's 2 years i keep asking to rebuild Port Battle with mix Br as it was time ago.. so everyone can join and mix frigates with 3rd rates, 2nd rates and 1st.. but the only thing i see is this:


    devs: "what do you think about it?"

    player base: "this"

    devs: "no problem we do as we want anyway"


    do i have to put the screen of what people voted on seasoned woods to explain the concept?

    i don't understand the point of acting this way.. 3 months ago 1k people online.. now 400/500 MEH, keep working for the people ;)

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