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Posts posted by Bub

  1. Thoughts, bugs and issues:

    Loving the game so far and if you make a detailed and re-playable campaign then I am sure it will be as successful as UGCV.

    A few issues and bugs I have seen are:

    Moral seems extremely fragile since the BB2 update with units in decent cover retreating or breaking after around 3 salvos of enemy fire. Also units seem to sometimes almost run into the enemy instead of stopping to engage at range. Not sure if this is something to do with LOS. An attack/move command would be very useful if possible (unless this is in and I missed it).

    LOS is a nice edition, although it is still unclear as to when and where infantry and artillery can shoot from/to.

    Units attached to supply wagons do not protect the supply waggon without being removed from the supply wagon. The guarding units just insta died and disappeared when the supply wagon goes near to an enemy and die when their supply wagon is captured (this happened twice in the first landings mission and I have not tried to repeat it).

    Unit shields are not always visible when in trees/forestsĀ 

    Had an issue with 'floating' unit icons and had to restart the level.

    Despite the above still having a great time testing this very promising game.

    Please feel free to check out my channel where I have posted a couple of vids:



  2. Thank you for your reply it has worked after multiple tries. It seemed to spring into action when I used the scroll bar.

    Now unfortunaley I have another issue in that I have not received an email from Xsolla to activate my password account. It has been a few hours and I don't know if this is automatic (it normally is) or if I have to wait for someone to do it manually. It is not in my SPAM folder. Any help would be appreciated.


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