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Visca Catalunya

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Posts posted by Visca Catalunya

  1. 10 hours ago, Percival Merewether said:

    I think it'd be a sound idea to create a sub-forum for general discussions in 'other language' - but giving special treatment to a language as small and insignificant (For the NA community) as Catalan seems over the top.

    Given that there's a fairly large chinese player-base I'd say they should have a much higher priority.. The same is the case for the Scandinavian community who are often treated as having just one language and in this case is without a subforum (Denmark-Norway and Sweden are even in-game as seperate nations..). Furthermore, I bet the vast majority of Catan speakers are perfectly capable of communicating in either Spanish or English and a sub-forum would only serve to alienate and distance the minor Catalan group from the rest of the NA community.

    In that case I'd like to request the creation of a Faroese sub-forum as that is officially recognised in the Kingdom of Denmark at the same level as danish. Hardly an argument for the creation of a sub-forum here thoug;) 


    9 hours ago, Jorge said:

    Not the same lvl and only in his region... 


    What does it matter to you? If your opinion interests me something, I would put it in a current account, until it generated some interest.


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