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Posts posted by JamieFluk

  1. so here is an ideA that I have been thinking about for a short while now.

    My idea is that while at sea you have a hotkey/ability that orders a navigational officer to use his sextant to get your position. It isn't instant, the time it takes to perform depends on weather/officer skill level. It also isn't 100% accurate. It can be off a little again depending on the same factors.

    When complete it gives you a longitude and latitude which you can use with your map to figure out approximately where you are and what bearing you should take to get where you want.

    What are your guys thoughts?

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  2. Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I wanted to expand on the idea. 


    With the new Rift headsets, they have said that have all but eliminated the motion sickness, and increased the resolution etc.


    What I want to see is Rift inclusion coupled with voice commands. Imagine standing on your quarterdeck, next to your 1st Lt, giving commands. Yelling for ship to tack, trim sails, run out guns, hoist the colours etc etc. The immersion and experience could be amazing. Now imagine all this with no UI. All information relayed through voice. The bosun letting you know how much water is being taken on, a man up above shouting down, reporting damage to the enemy ship. Master gunners informing you that a gun has exploded. No UI. It would be amazing. And the technology is there. 


    You could even make a MP mode just for that, so everyone is on the same playing field. Restricted to 1st person, standing on the deck with no UI. I cannot imagine a game I'd rather play.

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