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Posts posted by fandagh

  1. Lost my Redoutable for an AI Wappen. He was dancing behind me and turning around all the time as a drifit car.

    He demasted me.  A Wappen demasted a Redoutable.


    Do you developers, do you really really think you people are doing a nice work on this game? It shows not and please, don't come to me with this useless conversation about 

    "abilities". You people are turning everything nice on this game a boring thing. You people are killing the fun in loguin on this game. You developers are doing a very very very bad work on it.

    I'm here ATM just coz the pvE server where I have a lot of good things. 

  2. DEVELOPER PLEASE! Stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai,  stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai,stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai, stop buffying Ai.


    thank you.


  3. 1 hour ago, Papillon said:

    I just hope they really do this on the 10th to 12th like they say.  There were only 150 players on today during the middle of a Saturday.  To me that means people are playing not for fun, but for rewards they can keep.  All the more proof that a wipe is really gonna hurt. :(

    wipe will f... the game. and people is leaving coz they are not dumbs to be crafiting and building all again.

  4. Feel days left to developers ruin this game with wipes and players still beliving that it is the best plan. Wipe with Ai ships being buffed all the time. Are these guys really playing or they just come on forum say shit and developers agree with them? 

    A lot of old and good players just leave, new bie people are leaving, and wipe and the false "release" will not bring new players. Keep doing this horrible work.

  5. hey, you guys will really wipe. Ok. Weel, now we can't do any thing against it, why don't you developers brig magic ships like the other games? Yes, ghost ships, ships that fly, ships with 300 cannons in one of the sides, ships like that ships on Pirates of the Caribbean?

    because these elite ships are almost ike it. a simple frigte can turn like a fir fir lynx. keep killing the game, you devs are doing a great job.

    • Like 2
  6. My so true opnin: do this only for the pvp server so. Let them unity 10-11 basic cutters to sink new players on basic cutters. It will be "more balanced".

    I can't belive how this....... people still saying ok for a wipe thiking that is a good idea for the game. The number of people wipe and "relese" will bring: 0. 

    Is not enough ai stupidly buffed? Bellonas siking  Locenas, immortal Belle Poules? Now a ... wipe?

    please developers wake up and leave the pvE server in peace is it is called peace server. And please stop to turn pvE hard every manutantion.

    • Like 1
  7. Whatmakes you developers think that a ull wipe of ships on the pvE server will be very excititing and will do players keep playing? Guys i just buy DLC flags and collors and you come with a notice like this? 

    If full wipe really happen after this so called "release", thx for all and bye bye Naval Action. I spended 1055 hours of fight and fun to be where I am to you guys just blow it up? No, thanks.

    • Like 8
  8. How can you guys see it as a good thing? My 10 millions will be 50k. The trading goods are almost disappearing, ships are disapearing and when it comes, they come in fleets with 8 or more.

    How can you guys trust that these new "things" are the best way to keep the game good? 

    Do you guys really belive thats funny sail 40 minutes, 2 hours for fight some thing?

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