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Posts posted by worden

  1. I've made it to Shiloh in a MG Union campaign, 1.27.  Looking to build up an army, with a goal of about 28-30 units of all types divided between 2 corps. I've played a couple lower difficulty campaigns before and this seems like a strong enough force to me.

    I have the manpower and money to do this, but there's a bottleneck.  Most of the officers left in the pool are brigadiers ranging between 18-30k in price. There is no way I can afford these officers and build up a strong enough force. I would be happy to fill out my command with randomly generated lower officers, but as far as I know there is no way to generate these lower grades unless the academy pool is already empty. Since these six brigadiers represent about a 140k bill, I can't clear the pool and purchase weapons by throwing money at the problem.

    I am assuming I'll need start the campaign over, and was wondering how experienced MG players (this is my first run on MG) manage their officer pools at this difficulty.




    Nice work on 1.27. I've tried MG a couple times before with other versions and they always felt a bit too hard for my taste. This one feels challenging but not overly punishing.


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