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Posts posted by Wetterburg

  1. I just viewed the premier.


    it's great!


    Well, the language is not shakespeare-style but we should remember: Pirates were no poets. Those guys would speak some kind of slang. Imagine a 300 year old slang and lot's of the people who are not native speakers. This could be intersting for linguestic scientist, but I very much doubt, it would be fun for me to watch.


    The girls are all stunningly beautifull. But hey, try to find an ugly young acress in hollywood. And after all, would you envy a young pirate drawn into bed from three ugly haggs? Maybe not totaly realistic but I liked those pretty girls a lot more!

  2. Ahoy Devs,


    I would like to hire on for testing!


    Gaming rig:

    • Intel Core i7 860 (2.8 to 3.46Ghz)
    • AMD HD7750
    • 8 GB Ram
    • Samsung 840 Pro SSD
    • Soundlaster XiFi Platinum
    • Windows 7

    I played some naval computer games:

    • POTBS
    • Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas
    • some versions of Pirates! (C64, Amiga and the later two PC versions: Gold Edition from 1993 and Sid Meyers Pirates! from 2004)
    • Sea Dogs
    • Silent Hunter
    • Harpoon
    • Carrier Command

    I live in Kiel. That's in north germany at the baltic coast.

  3. It would be nice, if you could put the "no sails" to "all sails raised and rigged perfect" slider on a joystick axis. Furthermore there would be a relative and absolute setting nice:

    • Relative: For people with gamepads and things like that. This includes for example a logitech G13 gaming keyboard.
    • Absolute: For the people with a throttle.

    Once upon a time, i tried to program with a friend a kind of sail simulator. Inspired by Sid Meiers "Pirates!" we got something done in GFA-Basic on an Amiga. Long story short: It worked, but was no fun at all! We used a brigantine as first ship and even that relative small two mast ship was damn complicated.


    Some additional controls would be nice, if you need them for special manouver. Like braking by turning the sails out of the wind and such. But not too many. After all you have to remember and use them.


    Sailing the ship is only one of the tasks a virtual captain has to do. Your are navigator and master gunner too.

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