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Posts posted by Angryscotsman

  1. the us nation is undergoing a mass migration of RAM clan members to the pirate nation. witch have resulted in a few battles they haven't helped players who have been attacked by pirates, even tho they were in the same battle. Further more to this statement a ram member "Lonar" attempted to help and save and succeeded in saving a pirate we caught near new smyrna. Witch might i point out has been made a free port by certien ram members in an effort to destabilize the whole coast by opening it up to the pirates, who they plan to switch nations to. Now apon seeing that he was trying to save his freind's ship,  that deliberately dropped sails  allowing him to board so he could give up the ship for loner to save for him, we processed to move him away from the pirate's ship with our own ships. Lonars second attempt to board they both intentionally  ran into each other and the the pirate surrendered his ship, lonar responded immediately and  put crew on then left right away thus saving his pirate buddy's ship. now having brought that to light. if loner has issues with this then he needs to make his move to pirate nation faster instead of this happening.we wont stand for him assisting pirates while he remains in our nation. Even Members from there own clan say that this is behavior that they condemn and they feel back stabbed by there own clan. And claiming they wanted a Dule when u have 8 tdy members who were out hunting said pirates, breathing  down your neck is neither the time nor the place nor an excuse to pull What Lonar did. you know what u did if anyone should be banned its lonar and his pirate buddy for this farse and idiocy that they have brought about. they know what they did and we saw what they did our action were an attempt to sink the pirate that had the assistanse of a player who was ment to be in pirate nation bur has'nt used his papers yet so if u ask me you got what u deserver an aggressive push was less than you should have got. if green on green was allowed i would have blown u out of the water what u did. Traitor

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