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Posts posted by Santhonax

  1. Purposes and strategic maneuvering aside, the Swedes have been fantastic adversaries to fight with. No trash talking, no gloating. Haven't always been fair fights on both sides, but it has been fun. Props to Sweden, definitely a refreshing break after weeks of fighting foul-mouthed scallywags.

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  2. Agree with Quineloe on this one. I understand the OP's lack of willingness to "name and shame", but really without a chat log and specific names there's absolutely nothing of a Tribunal nature to pursue here. Taking the stance of "all abusers must be shot" is going to devolve into a developer wasting precious time perusing numerous complaints that were likely nothing more than genuine happenstance. Hell, I know that I've been tagged at least twice by other players only to have reinforcements drop in on one side or the other that neither of us knew were around because of this mechanic, but based upon our mutual surprise neither of us were culpable of mechanic abuse either. Without a screenshot "proving" knowing duplicity and abuse by a party, this issue belongs on the Open World discussion.

  3. Forgive me for my ignorance on this, but is there any sort of indicator that the "report" button went through? Used it for the first time today for very World of Tanks'-like abuse from a player toward others, but nothing visual occurred beside the option leaving after clicking it. I assumed the option to paste the entire chat log would pop up, or at least a request for a description. For fear of spamming reports, figured I'd check here first.

  4. still useful for training and teaching new players.

    True, but I'm going off of the original notion that "duels can only happen between separate nations". Would love to meet an opposing faction player in the OW and both agree to a duel without the threat of 14 other players joining the instance. Zero gold/xp gain would mean they'd have no incentive to do so, as allowing other players in would at least provide them some reward.


    Definitely agree that "training duels" inside a nation's port should count for zero gold/xp though. I should have clarified.

  5. No knowledge on British clans currently? I've seen a few clan tags about, but no-one's advertising. Really need to get some organization as right now most of these "massive battles" have just been 20-30 British basic cutters rushing in and calling ai reinforcements against primarily pirate Brigs. Player base is predominately brand new (which is great, don't get me wrong) and could use some help with battle mechanics.

  6. I support the notion. I wouldn't even mind if the xp gain were as high as 50, though 5-10 sounds more correct. As to the notion of "mindless xp farmers", who cares? I absolutely love combat, and your skill in combat in this game is only really enhanced by partaking in combat. If someone is afk farming explorer xp, they're just going to be giving up their newfound ship to the first combat-heavy player they come across once they finally turn to combat. The fact that you're only getting this xp bonus once also kind of negates the "farming" notion to be honest, and we aren't talking about making Admiral off visiting ports. 


    This could even coincide with the implementation of some sort of "trading" xp that's been debated. 10xp awarded for finding a new port, an additional 20xp awarded for selling that silver you're carrying to a new port that consumes it. Something like that.

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  7. Definite yes vote here, though I wouldn't make it severe damage to anything except your sails/rigging. I toyed with the concept of having structural damage if you weren't sailing into or with the waves, but at least in the OW the distance vs. actual wave frequency wouldn't make sense (think of sailing in a narrow channel and having to turn into/away from the waves, but having no room to do so).


    Now I would love to see such a mechanic in sea battles themselves. Even the old "storm" map from sea trials didn't cause any severe handicap for sailing sideways to the storm unless you were in a Lynx or Yacht.

  8. Understood it's not possible currently, but I'd second the notion to make it possible at least once in the future. I'm fine with my name, but I've seen quite a few new players who have regretted naming themselves "Captain" or "Admiral" such and such. They don't realize until they've been playing awhile that they look ridiculous with the in-game rank display, causing them to be named "Midshipman Captain Bigglesworth" or whatever.


    Edit* Admin already answered it. =)

  9. Afternoon,


    Lost a battle about 20 minutes ago off the coast of Cuba and respawned at Nipe (Neutral port) on the NE side of the island.  Only one waterway leads into and out of the port, however, and it's all shallows so my Cutter can't make it out. Nice lagoon inland though!

  10. To expand on this:  Any information yet about what will "flag" you as a pirate specifically?  Is it an active "pull a friendly from the open world and fire upon them" kind of thing, do a certain high percent of damage to a friendly, or the dreaded "crap, I overshot and hit my friend with one piece of chain, and now I'm a pirate forever! (hope not)"?

  11. Good day all.


    Just found this game whilst lamenting about the utter lack of anything realistic in the Age of Sail era.  Consider me hooked.

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