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Posts posted by Tamas

  1. This advice above is correct and will set you up for success. Bottle up but don't press the Union on Oak ridge .Grab Seminary ridge quickly and defend against the Union troops that come up.

    One thing to note is where you should fight the XI Corps when it arrives. If you press across the little stream and initiate a fight in Gettysburg proper it becomes very hard to drive the Union back because of the cover in town. However, if you take Seminary ridge and set your lines on the other side of the ridge (facing the town but not entering it) the Union will generally attack you despite the unfavorable terrain because you are preventing them from linking with the troops north  and NW on the ridges town. It is much easier to break them while Defending and then to counter attack while swinging south.

    They always leave some troops on Cemetery hill but if engaging the majority of the XI corps outside of the cover the town provides should give you enough time to set up artillery and launch an effective attack.

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