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Posts posted by rolking

  1. Dear Developers,

    solving boring time on Waters:

    - put named pvp pirates there Hunting Players and nations which are growing depending how many ships they rob. The pirates should have elite random ships which can be overtaken from players. After be overtaken, pirate will Escape and start his "carrier" again. They should only attack Players are worth to be attacked so Beginners shouldn't be touched. This Point could also make Little ships interesting again if you give some pirates Little elite ships. (you will Need also more Trader ships)

    - Random Ships. No 2 ships are the same in reality! Randomize Attributes depending on other Facts like Wood type.

    - Upgrades should have random Attributes too.   



  2. Dear towarisch, ;)

    it is not necessary to remove sunken ships from a Player. You can lock it for a time(for example 3-5 days) not to use it again. It is too much grief if you remove a ship from a Player. :) 

    (for example i had a new ship and i try a harder npc figth.... I invest lot of Money there and first in the first figth i losed it because of my experience. After it i need 1-2 days to take the same ship and i can it quickly lose it again because im not as experienced. For beginners its very hard. )

    The issues is now with the tons of crafted ships. The Player could use them to enhance existing ships. For example i have 3 Basic Sloop and i could try to enhance one Basic Sloop. For example giving 3% Chance for a 0.5 % higher Speed) You could give first time higher Chance to enhance and then slowly lesser. So Player who are extremly active could create better ships but not too much and you can control it.

    NEVER remove cool Features. :) Lets Player capture npc-s ships too on pvp Server. This ships you can leave with 1 durability and they could be used to enhance existing ships(maybe lesser Chance). You can Limit the capturing like 1 a day and only have Maximum 3 captured ships. So it will not ruin exonomy.

    The ship-figth is excellent in the game!




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