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Posts posted by Artyom

  1. Good afternoon. I know Russian from a bad language, because it may not be clear. Passed the game to the second bull wound. There were questions.
    1. First: to diversify units. Add Zouaves / light infantry (will occupy a niche between the infantry and skirmishers. Sometimes you do not have enough units for a workaround, let have a reduced performance of the melee, and health, but the increased speed, endurance and shooting, compared to a conventional infantry). Add Rangers: The second type of Kovaler, with a very weak hand to hand, but with a quick fire (armed with revolvers main function of intelligence (often lacking the usual cavalry for reconnaissance) Pioneers / Engineers (establishment of fortifications in the battle crossings device and another, weak.. combat effectiveness indicators). Mortars (kind of heavy artillery, though poorly used in the field, but still present). Another would be to make a new design with separate elite team (the same iron brigade luizinanskie tigers, with povysh nnym characteristics relative to conventional infantry, but very expensive). I play for the confederation, because did not see whether there kartechnitsy Gatling, but to see them in the game you need to think.
    2. Add to abilities of commanders of divisions and brigades (and that is the ability and the rest have no corps of generals, the mere presence of images).
    3. Can add any builds for units (arc, square and others ...).
    4. A bit annoying time of the game, its somewhere you need to add somewhere to cut (I have increased it in the major battles for placements and intelligence, because of the need to defeat the Confederates, and this requires maneuvers and exploration, of which due Over time there).
    5. If there is a selection of shooters from the brigade, it may be worth making the division of the brigade into two parts, 50% each. A choice of either the riflemen or the two regiments.
    Maybe that will make and diversify more.

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