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Posts posted by Cerebro

  1. Been playing for a few months now and for me the game is fun but the amount of ships for the player is kinda low and it´s the same ships  every one use.

    The ships needs some overhauling and they need to be more different in stats. Many have same guns amount, same thickness of hull and many other things.

    By changing the stats on the ships so u need more then 1 type in ur fleet u might make fleet pvp and PB more fun.

    At the same time more ships in the game might bring more ppl into the game.

    Now i know this is a not a finish game but stil. :)

    More ships will all so give more for the crafters to do in the game.

    Now there are really many ships and ships types from the 1700 to the 1800.

    Here is a few that could be fun and where its easy to find foto´s and stats like canons and crew.


    U have pirate and normal frigate so why not

    Frigate_FR.jpg Frigate_cumberland.jpg  Frigate.jpg 
                                                                                                                                                                                           Merchant Frigate (1861) 
                      French Frigate (1794)                                        US Frigate Cumberland (1843) 


    And for the traders

    Opium Clippers (1831)


    And for the swe splayers :)

    Gotheborg (1740)


    And dont forget the Dutch

    Amsterdam (1750)

    Big boy´s ships

    Ottoman ship of the line Mahmudiye.png Le borda ecole navale-1-Bougault.jpg

           Mahmudiye (1829)                                         Valmy (1847)

    Fight of the Poursuivante mp3h9426.jpg

    HMS Hercule (1798)





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  2. Well i stil dont know if there is a full wipe :)

    I dont mind a "press full delete".

    I just whould like to know so i know if i should keep my matt´s and gold or use them for lvl crafting or some thing els :)

    And yes i do agree that there is enough drama going around atm. i think most of it come from the lag of info on what is going to happen.

    this is like a early X.mas. u dont know what ur gonna get from santa. :)

    • Like 1
  3. There´s been a lot of post´s and rumors saying there will come a full wipe in game when next patch come´s.

    In full wipe i meen all materials, gold.

    We know there is gonna be a ship and upgrade wipe, but can any one, pref. the dev, confirm or denie this rumor??


  4. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    Everyone should relax as usual - if this idea is bad is not going to survive for long. But we believe that this idea is great. 

    Problem it solves

    1. Right any given city with iron can have 1000 mines in it, providing unlimited supply of free money. Landowner mechanic provides the natural easily controllable limit. If supply is too great - number of slots can be decreased, if supply is too small number of slots can be increased. 
    2. In addition landowner mechanic provides great incentives to join smaller nations who have free slots available
    3. Increase PB participation - pb's are mostly even battles and are fun if the battle is full. We want to provide hard incentives to drive players to fun mechanics. 
    4. It actually solves the alt buildings. Alt has to have that particular port permit - that means that someone has to actually do something to gain it - someone provided content to another player by winning pb (or losing pb)

    Port battles are the main mechanism to gain the land but it is not the only one. You can buy it from other players, you could get it from the admiralty store. 

    Idle players problem is solved through maintenance fees. You pay for a week and if you have not paid you lose that slot and someone else can open in that location. 
    Alts cannot block the slot because you cannot block it. If you got the land permit = you get the building even if there is already X buildings in town. 

    All this is important ONLY if inflation is indeed a problem (based on the player feedback). If inflation is NOT a problem and money should flow to everyone then this issue is moot honestly. 

    PB is stil limited to 25 ppl. And since altlest on the GB side in the EU server there is some clans controling who joins PB they will control the market.

    It wont give more ppl in PB. it sill only give more PB to the ppl doing PB all rdy.

    The problem u say it fixes in 4 is not true. Alt´s will stil be there. most alt´s are from player who play PB. Since they again wil be doing PB they can sell/give the landowner mark to there alt´s.

    So again they control the ship market and material market. U are doing so the rich players get even more rich and the small social/casual player get poor.

    Its a really bad idea and u can see that ost ppl agree.


    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    I can see the infights to get a pb slot :Dtoxicity incoming!

    + it forces people to do conquest even they dont like the part and to join clans. Clans do pb and which clan would sell his land permits?

    Selling permits would work if pb would be a random people thing.

    Thats the problem... PB aint random... in GB nation on the EU server there is a bloody sing up list controlled by the big clans...

    So the random player have 0 chance to do PB, how long time u think he will play until he gets bored and stop playing?

    Forcing ppl into doing something they dont want to do has and will, never work.

    • Like 2
  6. Im sry but i really cant see how this will give more players in the game...

    This will only give the hardcore players who do PB and keep other ppl out of PB more gold and more ships.

    They will control the market and get rich.

    For a new player like me this meens that i have 0 chance to ern gold and get better ships.

    This is a really bad idea and it will make the new ppl and ppl who like trading to stop playing really fast.

    If u want to break and kill the game then pls keep comming up with idea´s like this.

    Again a really big mistake.


    U will end up with 25 to 35 players who own everyting and rest can do nothing...

    ANd then they stop playing...

    So in the end u will have 25 to 35 ppl pr. nation in the game.... Grats.... u just killed ur own game....

    C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P, C L A P,

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