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Kesxex Rofux

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Posts posted by Kesxex Rofux

  1. What I would like to see is a centre with FFA - night flips, ganking etc. Around that areas that are "safer" - maybe like a 12th of a circle in which a port can be flipped in an hour slot. Like south of the map only flippable between 1800 and 1900 GMT. Not safe from pirating or raids (if those raids ever happen). Biffing should be able to happen everywhere.

    In Dark Ages of Camelot the RvR zone was between the three realms and anything could happen there. There were strict borders between PvE and RvR - something I would not really wish in this game.

    In theory this creates a zone of contention in the middle where most of PvP and RvR action will happen with some quieter zones around it.

  2. Just now, SinkingN0ob said:

    Wenn ich das alles jetzt richtig verstanden habe, wird nach dem Patch Amerika leer sein. Höchstens ein paar Einsiedler, die dann Charleston und die Nachbarhäfen haben, weil die Küste Floridas von den Spaniern und/oder Piraten erobert worden ist. Welche Nation jetzt wirklich die deutsche Nation ist, ist mir gleichgültig. Von den Zahlen (aktiv und inaktiv) wären die Piraten genauso deutsch wie Schweden.

    Ein Gutes hat das: Wir können uns um die Live Oak Häfen (falls immer noch so wie jetzt) gute Gefechte liefern.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Heinrich von Werle [HANSE] said:

    ...PB Sprache ist Englisch bei den Schweden. Bei den zukünftigen Bündnissen würde ich keine voreiligen Vermutungen anstellen. Da wird es noch einige Überraschungen geben B)

    Einer der Hauptwünsche für einen gemeinsamen deutschen Clan in welcher-Nation-auch-immer ist die PB Sprache Deutsch. Mit Übersetzer für andere, nur Kommandos zuerst mal in Deutsch.

    Mag dem einem oder anderen vielleicht komisch vorkommen, warum in einem internationalen Spiel Deutsch gesprochen werden soll. Als Spielergemeinschaft allerdings wie gesagt eine der Aufgaben im neuen Clan. Muß und wird nicht jedem gefallen.

  4. Mit den Spielerzahlen im Moment ist England eine "einfache" Wahl. Richtig. Aber nicht so einfach, wie viele es hinstellen. England hat die wenigsten RvR Spieler, was an den letzten Portbattles sichtbar ist. Klar, die Spielerzahlen sind hoch, nur wollen alle ein Großbritannien, das nur Zahlen, aber keine Spieler in Portbattles hat? Plus viele Spieler, die nur bei Angriff von KPR dabei sind und sonst "wat auch immer"? Siehe mehrere Episoden von "Letter to the King" von Jeheil auf Youtube (Englisch! - Sorry!)

    Jeder erwartet, das Team GB einfach groß ist auf EU Server, weil es Team GB ist. Vielleicht ist das so, vielleicht auch nicht. Nur weil es vorher so war, muß es nicht genau so sein. Klar ist Niederlande ein viel größeres Problem, um als Clan Fuß zu fassen. Nur wieviel Frustration sollen ein paar Spieler erfahren, damit andere "Spaß" haben?

    Der Hauptpunkt ist, das beteiligte Spieler Spaß am Spiel haben, egal welche Nation. Die meisten sehen ihren Spaß in der Herausforderung, das GB als Mittelpunkt der Karte alle andere Nationen als Feind hat. Rechts außen auf der Karte seine Heimat zu haben oder nur auf einer Insel zu hängen, ist vielen zu wenig, um Spaß am Spiel zu haben.

  5. Considering the good old tradition of April 1st jokes one light hearted thread with fake ideas how NA will change. Not official and just for fun. So let's go:

                       Reply to Preliminary announcement about the server merge

    By admin, Today at 03:31 AM
    All players will be forced to merge on to PVE server after patch day. This is to give more resources to develop content patches and to allow building cooperation skills between players.
    • Like 5
  6. Meeting 2017-04-01 (kein Aprilscherz)

    - Freiwillige Änderung der Nation vorgesehen - Hauptteil neigt zu England plus kleiner Teil zu Niederlanden
    - Wer will, organisiert sich schon vorab in den nächsten zwei Wochen, entweder durch Zusammenspiel in game oder in noch zu definierenden Clan
    - Hauptsächlich für existierende Spieler, die im Moment noch in kleineren Clans spielen, die kaum aktiv sind
    - Vorgesehen für EU Server
    - TS Server für Interessierte:  voice378.ismett.de - kann vielleicht jetzt noch etwas leer sein
    - nächstes Meeting 2017-04-08 15:00 deutscher Zeit auf dem neuen TS Server

    Danke an alle Beteiligten, die heute teilgenommen haben. Bei Interesse sind im Moment noch viele Beteiligte über andere TS Server verteilt, bitte in Global PVP1 nachfragen.

    P.S.: Guter Klanname wird noch gesucht, bisherige Vorschläge:
    - King's German Navy
    - Königlich Preußische Marine
    - Hanseatische Neue Flotte
    - Cracks
    - Krautz

  7. Just now, Sir Texas Sir said:

    You never got much off mods any way and you still have to do resources and materials to craft those ships which are the other means to get crafting xp.  I mean how else do you get it right now any way?  I do know some of the delivery missions in testbed gives crafting xp too.

    If Materials, Woodworking, Casting and Weaving still gives craft xp then fine - not sure if this continues.

  8. 59 minutes ago, admin said:

    Here is a short update on ship crafting and crafting XP
    Crafting XP will only be granted for crafting ships


    This does not sound like a good change. If I understand this correctly it forces players to only craft ships - no other way to gain crafting xp.

    The result will be that LH are more important for products along the way for no gain to the executing player. Needs some testing how this works out.

  9. 7 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    On this day of the 20th March 1817,

    The honorable Sovereign Council of the new France,
    Composed by the following clans :

    [ACR] - Alliance des Corsaires Royaux
    [EdR] - Les Enfants du Roy
    [ER] - Escadre Royale
    [FDT] - Flotte de Défense Territoriale
    [FED] -
    [GRF] - Garde Royale Française
    [MRF] - Marine Royale Française
    [OCG] - Online Center Gaming
    [SPQR] - Senatus Populusque Romanus
    [UGLY] - Les Affreux
    [ZF] - Zulu Family

    "We, the French clans, have decided by a common agreement, to sail into the new world called "PvP Europe" ...


    Bon chance, may you find at the shores of the new server the game you are looking for!

    • Like 3
  10. Dead against it. I do not want to "have a job" in game in addition to the job I have to earn my money.

    Player controlled taxation (aka governor system) has proven to be bad. Besides who really likes to be a tax man?

    That the game needs a money sink is apparent. The money generated by high end players goes nowhere - some players spend it on newbies while others hoard it and brag about it. Whereas new players (ranking up, investing into infrastructure) need gold the most, an established player (with outposts, buildings, ships etc set up) has no real need.

    Instead of artificial means (although historical) what is the purpose of gold in this game for an established player other than to outbid the highest bidder on something rare?

    Potentially (and by no means complete):
    - Port defences - reason taxation was collected was transfer of funds from merchants (navy officers were seldom rich) to pay for fortifications against other navies - a nation decides how much money is spent on fortifications and thus makes coasts and towns safe against raiding
    - AI Fleet defences - provision fleets for nation from captures and again this goes directly back into game play in how many fleets we see on the OW
    >>> Rewards are generated for the highest contributions to get something back to players after a certain period (fireworks?) - more things that allow bragging than of actual use that are unique as rewards and not possible to gain in other ways other than to "offload" gold and surplus ships and are one-off use only
    >>> After a certain level of (ridiculous) contribution the "opportunity" to unlock another outpost / building which adjusts over time to accommodate player base

  11. There are "hundreds" of ships in game already - just most look the same. Need to see how the new skill system replacing upgrades work actually.

    While it is easy to come up with the idea of new ships the making of those is not that easy as the 3D modelling is just the first step. Hopefully devs come up with a way to introduce new ships using means like Kickstarter to pay for this development without having to resort to bread and water.

    Personally I would like to see more trading ships of which there were more types in any shape, form and size than all navies worldwide had together. While the current trading ships are sufficient for purpose the lure of trading is lower than the lure of combat. If there shall be enough "targets" in OW then at least it should be in a ship that as a trader I see as the best fit and enjoy sailing around trying to avoid being caught in.

  12. Sounds a good idea.

    Admiralty office in starting ports could be an option. Player decides to move nation/server and goes to main town and "declare" his / her switch. Gets a ticket that he or she can redeem in new nation/server.

    Thinking this a bit through:
    - too many ships for a starting character in one town as all current ships would need to get back into single port - this could be solved with redeemable vouchers so the player can draw out old ships after initial setup
    - BPs in theory are a simple transfer of some database attributes, same a experience and crafting skill
    - Outposts and warehouse levels are converted into gold and need to be set up new
    - Materials in my opinion need to be sold first, then bought again - this could be hard to move as there looks to be no redeemable voucher system in place like for ships
    - Applies on next server maintenance cycle - with a daily refresh it should be manageable for server management

  13. 2 minutes ago, admin said:



    Its a combat game. To get something you have to fight for something. For too long we sat on two chairs. 

    In this case get rid of OW completely. It distracts from combat gaming. Create a lobby like in MWO where players join to get a 12v12 battle with different mechs - can do the same 5vs5 or 25v25 for NA. Sailing only possible in combat environment. Building ships not necessary - these must be bought out of a store with in game gold or through real money.

    The combat is very good in this game and make it shine. The way to get to combat is a problem.

    • Like 3
  14. So new players can not even get a foothold in crafting?

    Restrict new players to sail around OW, get ganked by veterans in "golden" ships and nothing to do but play "whack a mole"?

    It is funny - it looks like devs and their PR team really look for faster ways to kill this game instead of building it.

    Or is this just a way to check through forum where the pain level is for lots of players before these players quit too?

    So where are the resources with this system in place coming from? NPC trading and contracts? Fewer ships built = fewer players have good ships = less action = fewer logins to server. Only bright side is that a captured 1st rate is as good as a crafted one in future. So this game does not need crafters anymore as long as PvE content is auto-generated...

    • Like 2
  15. Turning what is intended to be a replaceable item into a permanent fixture happened in Dark Ages of Camelot with the Atlantis expansion. And this turned a vibrant market into a 10% ghost town for crafters.

    Take the upgrades out as installable mods and a ship just becomes a ship.
    No need to be attached as ships can and will be replaced.

    Main problem is not pixels but the darn permanent and detachable upgrades that cost sometimes double (or more) as much as the ship. The loss of those hurts more than any 1 dura ship.


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