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Posts posted by USPostman

  1. Not sure how helpful this is and it could be a bug, but I lined up three howitzers point blank just outside rifle range and targeted the cannon in the fort.  For whatever reason after a relatively short amount of sustained fire the infantry defending the fort breaks and you can charge the fort and occupy the defensive position.

  2. Seems like the best way to accomplish a win here is to flank both sides in the trenches and then work your way to the middle.  But is anyone else getting absolutely crushed by these artillery positions? 

    There are so many of these 600 man cannon regiments stacked on top of each other in addition to the reinforcements it's nearly impossible to push back the line.

    I would like to see the left edge of the map pushed back from the VP's so you are not being pinched between untaken trenches and troops appearing on the field.  


  3. Did it the exact was Beruldsen did it.  Stack at the very bottom and just keep punching with fresh units.  The last defense on the rail fence is pretty easy to finish off as they are only on 45% cover.  

    remember to keep bringing up your cannons to add punch to the attack.

  4. Having played through Chickamauga on Legendary, ( playing through Cold Harbor right now on Union, and I think Muleshoe is impossible) I use an excessive amount of saved games but no cheese or gaming the scaling system. It is the exact opposite of "Ironman" style but is incredibly rewarding.

    Playing through the Grand Battles and saving your progress it allows you to really work difficult problems and find ways to minimize your losses.  On maps like Antietam it's all to easy to have an entire wing of your army decimated accidently, so you find yourself playing for a "perfect" game.  

    Having done that for a while I find the normal mode to be too easy.

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  5. I think its a confederate flag, because I did not pursue at the end (just like my boy Meade).  Doesnt seem worth it given the casualties you will need to take it and the fresh troops you get (20K?) from winning.  Unless they write it in to the enemy starting army size in the next release battle.  Even then it would need to be a huge reduction to make it worth it.

  6. Played through the Union in its entirety, and TBH you have to game the system in a lot of the maps.  Especially Fredericksburg and Marye's Heights.  It is impossible to take the heights.  And, if by some act of god you do, you will not be able to continue after Fredericksburg because of the losses you took.  I kept my entire army bottled up on the bottom corner of the map, let the clock wind down and then sprinted to capture Telegraph Road while I finished up at the bottom.

    South Mountain was an absolute mess as well.  But it is possible to win every map at least as union.

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  7. New to the forum - but have overplayed this game.  My Gettysburg finish on Legendary as Union, to be honest I found this a super easy scenario so long as you secure the ridges in the beginning.  You can leave them decimated to the point that Culp's Hill can be played without much thought.  The last day is where most of my casualties came from.

    For the Second Winchester as Union mission - I found you can send three brigades (preferably your best) down to the spawn point in the lower left hand corner you can pin the spawning brigades, while defending the woods in front of the town as well as the woods to the north.  Then fall back into the city with skirmishers left in the woods to buy some more time.  Then defend the city til the clock runs out.  Best I did was 7,400 casualties on legendary with 20K Confed killed.

    Very difficult fight.


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