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Posts posted by CSX4451

  1. Been gone for awhile and returning back to play some more CSA campaigns. When I left, the game had been fully updated by the developer. I was a solid BG level player although I constantly struggled with Antietam and Washington at the end.

    i noticed now there are some outside mods  to enhance the game play. Any guidance on which mods are recommended to make the game the best and most realistic  and also the best way to enact them will be greatly appreciated. 

    Thank you,


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  2. That may very well be the case but seems pretty short sighted if you ask me.... which no one has!!!! Lol. The hard work is really done.... all that has to be done is program additional battles and possibly a few tweaks here and there. The coding and development is already completed so this would be no different then the added battles/ updates after the initial realease but instead of being free or part of the initial purchase these would be bought as an complete separate addition/ adding to the original game. Seems like pretty easy money really.... I’m guessing 75% of those who purchased the game would pay for the additional content. Maybe I’m wrong but after much reading here I feel pretty confident that would be a realistic number.

    just hate to see it end I guess when so much more could be done. 


  3. Figured I’d make its own thread incase the developers come here from time to time. Hopefully I’m not alone and the responses will show them the interest is there.

    I for one got every pennies worth of my money on this great game. I hoping the updates and added material are for from over but no doubt I would gladly pay for future additional battles, both large and small, that would be added to the original game. There are so many battles that could make the campaign of UG-CW even batter and give the game a even longer term playability . 

    Im sure I’m not the only one who would easily purchase further addons to this great game..... that clearly has so much more to offer. Heck.... I’d easily pay again what I already paid for the original game to add further content. There is no doubt money to be made here and the ability to make a great game even greater!!!!!!

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  4. Alexander's father, my 4th great grandfather, J. McNeill fought in the War of 1812 and also enlisted in the CSA with the 50th NC at age 67. He was quickly transferred to the 8th NC Senior Reserves for obvious reasons....tough ol bastard!!!! : )





    I also had 3 grandfathers fight in the Indian/Seminole wars prior to enlisting in the CSA. Here is one of their cards.





    This is his son, Jesse, my 2nd Great Granfather. He went missing at Gettysburg but survived.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Perkon said:

    Do you have any items from era? I would like to see, if you have any, and wouldnt mind sharing.

    Here are a few examples. I have a lot of documents on each relative showing their service from start to finish. By some miracle out of the 14, only 2 died and one lost his left hand. Considering the casualties of the CW, that seems to the be good pretty low percentage. 


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  6. 2 hours ago, Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf said:

    As a German I can't do this in UGCV, but I know what you mean. I did something like that in Commander: The Great War and HoI3 WW1 Mod, as I know of at least one great grandfathers unit during WW1. I know of a load of my ancestors fighting in WW2...but honestly I don't want them "in the game". I know what happened to them and their units, and it is no pleasant story as they were all on the eastern front...additionally so if the WW2 game is well done and displays the war realistical.

    Yes....the Eastern Front against the Russians was a brutal battlefield. 

  7. I have 14 Lineal (3rd and 4th Great Grandfathers) who served in the CSA. Luckily, I have all their individual unit information from our family's genealogy work. While their individual regiments aren't named in the game, the brigades they are attached to are identified by their commanders so they are easily followed during the game. 

    It's really interesting to fight the historic battles and watch their brigades come onto the field as they would have 150 years ago. During some battles I have up to 4 ancestors on the field at one time in different brigades. In Gettysburg, I have 3 that show up on Day one of the fight. 

    I find myself really attached to these brigades and watch their performance throughout the battles. I've also caught myself catering to them or being extremely cautious with them when compared to my other units and had to make sure I used them as I would any other unit during the battles. 

    Regardless it's really brings the game home having this connection. Has anyone else done this with ancestors who fought for the CSA or Union? If you haven't and have this connection I recommend getting their unit info and doing it. Really brings the game to life.

    As a PSA, Fold 3 has most of the records for the war and with your ancestors full name and state he enlisted , you can actually track down their enlistment paper, medical documents, company muster rolls, pension forms, and disability documents. It's amazing the info you can find with a little deligent effort.

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  8. Well I finally pulled out a Grand Victory today..... I watched Hitorishizukas video and it really helped me put down a better strategy. Granted it was on Colonel level but it was still a victory!!!!!

    Thanks for the informative video !!!,

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  9. I'm fine with everything up to Cold Harbor. The main Cold Harbor battle is ok but the 2 side battles are a slaughter. The casualties are way too high. As for the final battle for Washington.......even on Colonel level I get smashed on Day 2 regardless of what I try. I have no idea how people can win this battle especially on BG and MG level. I voiced my opinion numerous times about restructuring the final battle to one day or at least let some of your troops that are on the upper part of the map move south to help the ones on the lower part .....at least on Colonel level for us wimpy folk!!   : ).

    overall this is one hell of a game!!

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  10. I'm guessing that casualties numbers after a battle include both the dead and wounded. These number are of course removed from our available manpower for the next battle. Does the game take into effect that wounded men can at some point return to their unit and be added back to your manpower? 



  11. Just curious how many here set up their Corps and Divisions ? I'm not a huge fan of skirmishers as units but will detach the from the brigades on occasions. I also use Calvary in small quantities ( stealing supplies and taking out arty) Here is my usual setup for each Corps.


    2-4 Divisions depending on recruits 

    3-5 Brigades of infantry per division maxed at 2000-2500 depending on recruits

    1 - Battery of Arty per Division ( 12 guns)

    1 - Calvary per Corps ( 300-500)


    any thoughts on a better more efficient organization ?




  12. 40 minutes ago, William the Drake said:

    It's not just me; its the curriculum. This "liberal education" conspiracy theory is nonsense. I once asked a senior teacher what she thought of some local legislation that would enforce the teaching of "only things that highlight American exceptionalism" her response: "We teach history, and we will continue teaching history" This was in central louisiana where a population of the schools had the more "country" students refereed to themselves as the "camo clan"

    In these places, and mostly in southern states, the view that is pushed is that slaver was a non-issue. That is just as farcical as stating it was the only issue. As teachers, we have to combat both, but not only teaching but also being brought up in the south, I has see far more of the former than the prior. And it doesn't help when there are local monuments openly celebrating the opposition to further that narrative. 

    Again, there is a difference between having something to remember past events vs something that is specifically design to celebrate it, where the local lore is that the monument is "defiantly looking his immortal enemy, the North." Does it deserve to come down. Yes. Does it deserve to be destroyed. No. It belongs in a museum. Otherwise people will make up their own history that teachers have to deal with. On both sides.

    For your one,  I'll give you 3 that oppose even a moderate curriculum about America's past and teach the parts they prefer or believe.... much like a lot of our judges today that legislate from the bench. 

    I got a much younger sister and a sister in-law ( children of the 80s) who are both teachers and sadly liberal as hell who will laugh at you if you try to tell them the reason behind succession and the CW was for any reason other than slavery.....I wonder what their students get..........

    Once again no one here, or myself for sure,  is saying it wasn't an issue... it was one of many the built up to a point that the south decided to succeed a form their own nation but even some of the comments made here clearly push the issue it was to subjugate the blacks first and foremost. If the south had declared that they would drop their sabers and returned to the fold if slavery was allowed to continue, the north would have agreed. Even Lincoln made that clear.

    Now to think personal bias doesn't bleed into some people's profession and how they perform their job is kinda naive.....it's human nature.  

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  13. 1 hour ago, William the Drake said:

    False. I teach history. In the south. We teach that the road to Civil War was in fact paved with numerous causes. However, what we must combat is the very nonsense that slavery was a non-issue in the culmination of war. Six confederate states mention slavery as a reason to secede in their articles of secession. Four say it is the MOST important reason. Three mention white supremacy:
    "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." -2nd line of the Mississippi Deceleration of Secession. 

    No... what we must combat is the falsehood that slavery was "The" and "only" issue that caused succession and the war which followed. Ask any kid/young adult born after 1980 why the Civil War was fought and I'm betting 95% will tell you it was over slavery and slavery alone. The other reasons are lost to history in most teachings. No doubt it was a reason and an important reason but not 'The" reason that is pushed in the educational system today.  If you teach differently and address all the issues that lead up to succession than I congratulate you on truly educating our youth but I feel you are in the minority.  Tip of my hat to you sir.


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  14. Tariffs are the key to this...... however today's education system attempts to hide it. The tariffs on woolen and iron (40%) from Europe gave the European traders less profit to buy southern cotton on there return trip to Europe. These Tarriffs benefited northern production while strangled southern sales financially.

    As for slavery being the main issue for the civil war. Read what President Lincoln wrote. 

    On Aug. 22, 1862, President Lincoln wrote a letter to the New York Tribune that included the following passage: “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.”

    While freeing slaves was what Lincoln wanted personally ... it was far from his main reason for the Civil War if any at all to begin with. He wanted the union to remain whole. Slavery became an issue later in the war as a rally cry even when many northern states feared free black slaves moving north. This was a huge issue prior to and during the civil war as while some of the northerners wanted them freed, they didn't want them to leave the south. They did not want them to move to the northern states. Lincoln wanted them once the union was secured and the slaves freed to deport them back to Africa. 

    Lets not forget the US Constitution  allowed slavery to exist and it wasn't till 1865 that the 13th admendment was introduced and ratified outlawing slavery in the US. 

    This you will never read in today's text books. It was all about freeing your fellow man is what today's youth gets. 

    The Greatest Lie Ever Told. 

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  15. This is no way directed at anyone and hastily written on my iPhone but figured I'd voice my thoughts because every coin has 2 sides.

    The CSA of the 1880-1890s would be what most conservative Americans are wanting for America today. A smaller federal government, less federal intrusion, with stronger state and individual rights with freedom for all. Slavery was dying on the vine and would never had survived to the turn of the century due to the advancement of the industrial technology and men realizing the immoral wrong of it. Human progress in humanity alone was gonna end it. Now I won't minimize the hell those 2 generations would suffer under before it did died on it own. We also know that a vast majority of CSA soldiers barely owned a plow much less another human being. They fought for their homes and family or sadly to ignorantly keep a rich man rich.... guess something's don't change. Read the narratives of Union soldiers from that time... most of them weren't fighting to end slavery, they were there to preserve the union, fighting for their side, or forced to fight once they arrived off the boat from Europe with no real knowledge of why they were fighting. No doubt there were those who's conviction was to free their fellow man and willing to die for it.  The CW was a meat grinder on both sides and the bravery of both armies is almost immeasurable by today's standards. This from a veteran of 2 wars myself that pale in comparison to what the veterans of the CW endured. With that said,  I often wonder how different things might be in the US if slavery had died on its own versus at the barrel of a gun and how different America might be today with our race relations. In places where slavery ended from its own weight of being wrong and accepted as wrong, the relations between the races are much better then here in our country. The population assimilation well and acceptance is much more positive and productive. We are the greatest country on this earth but we seem to be the only country to have a lasting effect of slavery 150 years after it ended......ever wondered why?

    With the narrative being pushed by today's millennial education system the real truth of why this war was really fought is gone forever. Again, history is written by the victors......now with a liberal twist.

    Off soap box and back to playing a wonderful game...... which I hope has many more updates and additions to come. 

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  16. The south had every right to succeed and the north had every right to use force to force them to stay..... to the victors go the spoils.

    We today can't put the situation into aspect as America was so new and most people of that period viewed the states themselves as their home regarding allegiance (especially in the south) unlike today where America as a whole country has become what we give our loyalty to. WW1 and WW2 built this love of country we have today. We live in a totally different world than our ancestors did and they made their decisions based on circumstances we can only read about in history books.... and we all know who writes history.  I find no fault with the CSA and I am very proud of my Southern Birth, Southern Heritage, and Southern Ancestory but no doubt the world is a better place with America as one nation. America is better as one nation full of free citizens. I could go much deeper but this is a forum for playing and discussing a great game not a place to start a second civil war with the members here. : )


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