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Capt Robertson

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Posts posted by Capt Robertson

  1. On 13.12.2016 at 10:38 PM, Wraith said:

    Is it possible you're turning into the wind and getting stuck in irons, i.e. not being able to catch wind to move?  Do you see your rudder or yard arms turning?

    Yes,  I think you are right.  Thanks.


    On 15.12.2016 at 4:30 AM, Captain Pickle said:

    your issue sounds like a technical problem within your internet itself i asked my friend if he has experienced something like this and this is what he gave me as it shows the pings over 5,000 he said a few minutes after that it peaked over 10,000 and then went back to normal flow he was using poor internet at the tame of this shot and hasn't had this problem in a long time but with that said try looking at your internet it might help.


    Hello Pickle.   I have super fast fiber optic connection.  The problem appears to have been a game issue of being wind grounded.  Thanks anyway.


    On 15.12.2016 at 6:24 AM, sea Cucumber said:

    hay i had this same problem yesterday is it realy a connetion problem its anoying but fun to watch

    It's, apparently, a game issue.  When you go into the wind you can become grounded and need to use manual sails to get out eg Z C  / for front sails and Q E for the rear.

  2. Started Naval Action a few days ago but having some serious issues.

    Have a Cutter, Privateer and a recently purchased Snow.  Rank is 2/Lt

    Snow:  When I enter a Combat Mission battle with the Snow . . first the ship acts normally I I set up the canons etc.  Start to move but, after 1 - 2 seconds, ship stops and refuses to move or turn for the duration of the battle.  Has now happened three times.  The privateer does the same after being in the battles for a minute of so.  Cutter is fine.

    Have tries auto/manual skipper but nothing seems to move the ship.  I say nothing, but in my first battle in the Snow it started to move again near the end of the battle but stopped again after 1 - 2 seconds.

    Any ideas?

    In open seas, all the ships steer and work perfectly.

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