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Posts posted by Akir1975

  1. Hy folks, what do you think about Player triggered missions?something like bounty missions ! Like this: player 1 will pay xxx amount of Gold for every sunken/captured Player ship from clan/nation yyy

    Also Transport missions from Players for Players could be nice! 

    Maybe as a part of some endgame content !


    Greetings and see you  OW


    Another Mission idea:

    player triggered convoy missions:

    Like that: clan x will set up convoy route (start city a over b and c back to a)

    Traders could join the convoy for some money. Warships could also join the convoy (and payed some money)for protection.

    After the convoy reach his target safe the money from the traders will go to the warships and if the convoy dont reach his target the money from the warships will go  to the traders . 

    To make it exiting, all nations will know the waypoints and the start time of the convoy and could try to intercept it.


    greetings and see you OW 

    • Like 3
  2. Ich denke das wir bezüglich der Schiffe einfach verwöhnt sind! Jeder hat jedes Schiff in Gold mit x goldenen Upgrades! Die Entwickler wollen das (ich bleib jetzt mal im allen Farben System) eher die blauen bzw grünen Schiffe der Standard werden und Gold eher die Ausnahme ! Solange wir an der Vorstellung festhalten das nur goldene Schiffe zu gebrauchen sind werden alle unglücklich sein! Ist aber ein Problem der Spieler und nicht der Entwickler.

  3. Die devs kippen doch das Farben System der Schiffe! Grau für alle NPC gebauten Schiffe , eine zweite Farbe für Player gebaut Schiffe und eine dritte für Spezial (event.....) Schiffe! Dafür soll man beim Bau die Eigenschaften bestimmen können . Mehr Geschwindigkeit auf Kosten der Panzerung , mehr Crew auf Kosten des Laderaums und weiter spielereien. Das meinte ich damit! 

  4. Also das Problem mit dem neuen crafting System finde ich ist nicht die Ressourcen Beschaffung! Sondern mir scheint das die Devs eine Änderung auf zwei Patches getrennt haben. Sinn macht das ganze nämlich erst wenn das mit den personalisierten Schiffen kommt! Immo ist es nur nervig! Aber da kommt man durch!





  5. Hy everybody,


    by the time i first read the developers plan i thought “ oh my good what are they planning now….”

    But when I think about a little bit longer it is not so bad.


    Developers want to make a realistic game und this change will help to achieve this goal.


    But in my opinion they have to keep pushing this forward.


    I would say why don’t remove upgrades completely out of the game when every ship characteristics will be defined at the crafting?

    Instead of the Upgrades they could every upgrade benefits who is not a ship characteristic into officer perks. And this perks will grow in the benefit how longer the officer will use this perk. If the player remove a perk from an officer he have to start with this perk from the beginning.


    Maybe it should be able to hire more than one officer (depend on players rank?) and put also more than one on board of one ship (depends on ship class?). With such a system Player could really personalize his fleet.

    Also I would suggest to implement an crew experience system. e.g. a crew with a higher experience will reload guns or change Battle stations faster. Crew casualties will have negative impact on the crew experience.


    With best regards



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