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Posts posted by ultra

  1. On 10/14/2017 at 3:22 PM, Anolytic said:

    Sorry, but there's like a bunch of warnings and confirmations when you delete your character. If you play on EU I can probably help you replace the gold you lost. The rank is gone I'm afraid.

    Id love to take you up on that im broke as hell anything would be nice

  2. Hi all bet you had a good laugh over this one lol, i cetainly did after throwing the biggest rage you have ever seen when i realised i need to do the 'long grind' again... 


    To the question of exactly how this happened, my cousin decided to come over with his parents to see myself and my 3 year old, he had great interest in NA (hes like 14 fyi) and wanted to buy, i thought well why not have a go, while i go do the dull adult social thing for a few hours. I come back and found my new name was Ultra DevilSon and was suddenly a pirate - ah i thought, he must have used one of my three forge papers i had in redeemables, so ill just use another one and get back home to KPR. NOPE - full character delete, after i realized... man the rage.... 


    But i guess it was worth a shot posting here to see if i have any luck. The biggest smack in the face is i have the three forge papers lying in redeemable still.... makes me want to cry at 27  years of age...

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  3. Hi, so i realised that my stupid young cousin decided to delete my character 'so he can play a pirate' and so when he gets the game 'i can play pirate with him'. After finding out i promptly went bananas. Is there anyway i can correct this silly mistake? I was like one rank before max with a lot of gold and some craft experience before this.... As you can imagine im not a happy bunny.

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  4. off you? you confusing a clan with the pirates,  we are in port antonio, we not give a damn about portillo, there is nothing there.




    Let me make you understand how this clan work ok ?


    We not here for expanding pirate nation territory or defending it, we are here becouse we enforce you to fight us, and becouse we are 5 min away from pvp around your capital. We dont give a damn about pirate ports if they dont bring us daily content. We do what is best for us as a clan, and if happens that this empower the pirates like when we expanded the pirate territory by demolishing the usa, fine, but if dont, we cant care less. We are pirates  no a nation so we are not bound to hold the hands of the other pirates. This clan is rich enought for not depending from pirate territory/ownership. So we focus only on have fun and pvp.



    In that case i am totally with you and have to say you have succeeded. I have seen and engaged multiple small pirate gankers around KPR and jamaica and its dam fun since you took antonio, dont have to travel far for the fight either. It seems however thanks to your notorious attitude vicious that you have effectively become a spokesperson for the pirate nation whether you wanted it or not.


    I enjoy the pvp behind the scenes and the noise you sorry lot make when you come in force is fun as hell. Keep it up sorry, much glory for either side to be won.

    In that case i am totally with you and have to say you have suceeded. I have seen and engaged multiple small pirate gankers around KPR and jamaica and its dam fun, dont have to travel far for the fight either. It seems however thanks to your notorious attitude vicious that you have effectively become a spokesperson for the pirate nation whether you wanted it or not.

  5. Vicious, you forget to mention that the entire british side in that shot is all 4th rates and in a port battle. We was coming off of the capture of st anne and risked a shot right after at your port as people had ot log off and go bed or w/e, at least 10+ had to leave. We never had time to really organise and get our heavys in. We had already known that we would lose the PB if pirates responded in force, but it was a risk we were willing to take and it didnt pay off. We gave you a hell of a ride and capped a vic on our way down, i cant speak for the others but i know i only left after taking multiple broadsides from multiple victorys after giving all i could, and even then i hung out firing long shots just to support even though my ship was filling up. I only clicked leave battle because there was clearly nothing more to be done, my ship had given a pounding right in the heart of the fight and had taken a huge punch in return, theres only so much a essex can do when 5 vics make a pass in one go.


    Your organisation skills are admirable, but you cant claim overwhelming victory here, just a well planned and timed attack which netted your side much readys. I personally would never leave a fight if i can see a win still in sight, id go down to the bottom if i knew in the end id do serious damage or take you with me, or if one vs one in an honourable engagement. Certainly didnt see SORRY tags and think games over thats for sure, id give your guys a honourable fight any day even if it meant a loss for me as thats the type of person i am.


    2 cents from a brit player.

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