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Posts posted by MajorScarlet

  1. Jump to immediate negative... Well here is what happened if anyone had bother to ask.

    I was across the map when the flag was pulled.. I thought serrena.. where is that again.. pulled Burning Sail and thought damn thats to close. Called out in nation, hopped on Red TS and said lets get moving to defend the shallow port. Then teleported to Pedro and grabbed a brig while the clan was trying to sort out and get rolling. Told them i would sail immediately to get there and we have a 45 min window. The sail from Pedro was longer than i had hoped due to the wind moving more to sw which is the basic course from Pedro Cay. In TS i told the clan i was worried it may fall before we could get on station.

    Right as I made the eastern shallows it fell, so I said on TS i would continue on 5 mins more to see if i could spot them leaving since i was worried they might move on Pedro next if it was a larger group. 

    Once i made it to the port , which had fallen while i was sailing to defend it, there was no one in sight. Told the Red TS to break off but check the Pedro timer to see if we were vulnerable. At which point i spotted you in the cutter and sent a PM that we had gotten there to late.


    I can only assume you said something in CKA TS and then the toxic BS started.

    I made an effort to get there from my closest base, and rallied the clan.. you guys start to accuse me of spying.. 

    Please get out of this toxic cycle and lets play the game.

  2. Rebel, please back off on the civil war and anger in Britain. I got a small taste of that tonight myself and did see red for about 45 mins followed by a lot of cursing. We can build up a group and have a good time, just need to exit this toxic cycle.

    Again I got a small taste of what you have been talking about so i do understand the anger... Just asking to let it go and lets move back to building the Brits back up.

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  3. As far the organized actions go let's see what we can do. The request to back off and give the British some space to recover.. thanks but never mind. It appears i am now under suspicion of working with the pirates.. such meta game BS. 

    Bring your fleets, we will rally out to fight. Some may not, others will..

    Good action of Morant tonight with our 4th and 5th rates against those 1sts, that's why we play.

  4. There is noticeable increase in newer players coming into the game. At this point, the main concern is losing them as continuing players which will ultimately hurt us all. There is a lot of bad blood on all sides and lines are being drawn, positions staked out. None of this really helps us achieve the goal of a good fight and glory to be talked about over beers later.

    The suggestions are these:


    1. Can we set aside southern Jamaica and the southern Cays so the newer players can team up and learn, craft, and enjoy the game. This benefits us all.

    2. Organize some PVP meets in OW .. say 6 frigates each or BR level. The groups show up we fight , people can come in and watch.. pixels get blown to bits. we all have some fun. 

    What happened in the past is just that. 

    This in the end benefits all.


    I am willing to sail, fight, and sink if that's the way it goes. I know others want the same.




    Looking for good fights, great escapes, and the opportunity to learn something new after I'm sunk.



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