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Posts posted by redneck13265

  1. 1. Needs storms in battles.


    2. Too many people only shooting sails just to get away even from fair fights or when they are making the attack.


    3. Ship prices made by players are too high. Needs a limit for max price that can be placed depending on the ship and quality of it.


    4. AI ships in battle from your personal fleet sometimes stop firing completely after giving order to attack or demast a target etc. and then just sail around not doing anything but following target even if told to go into freemode.


    5. Make paints craftable.


    6. Make trading more diverse around the map. Make trading more of a long distance to get a certain resource instead of bunching them all together near capitals.


    7. Ship tagging by Battle rating should not be 5 times the ships BR of the attacking ships. you should not be able to pull in 5 santismas with only 1 santisma or a victory. and ship in players ai fleet should not have their BR included.

  2. Ive been to Charleston when they still had 150 ports and their ship prices were still in the millions for even common quaility ships i havent been there since then and also before they started losing all the ports they had and still holding strong on 150-170 they STILL refused to bring 1ST RATES! and whenever they brought constitutions to fight and we capped them or got them from blowing them up in battle they were ALWAYS STORE BOUGHT BASICS. so i just scraped them for parts. Bringing just basics to a big battle and you got the numbers and going against a nation with fewer numbers and that nation is bringing exceptionals with the best mods they got as well as best quality of ships your going to sink faster if your in a basic ship that you can only put a couple of mods on that cannot stay afloat.


    I made another post in another topic and i made a very good point and i'll say it here again.


    "Your USA guys do have most ports and keep trying to get more because of your greed. The more ports you gain the harder it is to defend them all because they become further away and not everyone on all nations including pirates would be willing to sail to the other end of the map just to defend a port they dont care about and dont even sail over there. you may have more people on usa then all the nations but not all of them want to sail so far away and then end up having to give up something to attack or defend a port when they can just sit back and chill with missions or fishing, without much worry. most of the usa players on pvp2 i still havent seen at all yet and i know they are in the golf of mexico because they aint up around the east coast."

    And guess what happened. we pushed our way to the gulf to find their hiding places as we were taking the ports because of the ones who tried to defend them and those ports were set at times we had enough people (few) and took them. FEAR clan was the main group we hit the hardest over there and i never saw oldcrankyman show up to any of those port battles but a few of his friends tried to defend them. they gave it their best at penzacola and they nearly did succeed in defending that port. but we sank both of their victories and one of their 3 pavels they brought. it was a good fight. and they o7 us. they brought the two vics and 3 pavels. i sank 1 vic and that pavel with my santisma and they nearly sunk me near the end. it was a fair fight and they didnt complain, insult, or fight like an unorganized fleet in that battle. they accepted the defeat and still gave a o7 to us. i dont see that from oldcrankyman, elmo, baron, JP Johns, JP shots, and yankyeager at all. i dont even see them fight like an organized group whenever i am fighting them. this is a good example of what you get when you use team work compared to calling out and insulting others because they lose. most of the time when i am in an even match with a usa player they immediately shoot sails and run. the last time i was one on one with a usa player and it was a perfect even match that fought and they did win was the last time i fought WH Knight right outside of Sunbury and we talked about the fight and complimented each other and told each other our side of that battle and its the only one on one fight ive had with the usa and they didnt run and they didnt shoot only my sails so they can run from me because they didnt want to lose something they can ALWAYS REPLACE.


    Also, the usa players that switched to pirate when they STILL HAD 150-170 ports AND PLENTY of SHIPS, they said they left because of people like oldcrankyman, elmo, baron, JP Johns, JP shots, and yankyeager because of the insults and ranting and raging. yankyeager and oldcrankyman need to LEARN TO CONTROL THEIR TEMPER! I for one have the worst anger issues and it took my whole life to learn how to control it and refine that control and THIS IS JUST A GAME! NO NEED TO GET ANGRY OVER LOSING IT IS GOING AND WILL HAPPEN WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! You win some, you lose some.


    I rest my case.

    • Like 4
  3. I'd like to apply for pvp2 server.


    I am 24 years old with all day to play games.

    I only know english for language

    I do not have any experience in moderating servers except for past clan owned servers.

    I have 625 hours currently in the game and reached curse rank (since I'm pirate) at around 450 hours into the game.

    I am aware of the consequences of my actions and I accept them if I break any rules whether I'm a mod or regular player.

    My clan tag on PVP2 Server is Black Flag. Many of the USA nation side players are aware of this as well as most of the other nations.

    I can be reached if needed. If I'm not home I can still receive emails.


    I'm not the best person for this but I keep my chat clean as best as I can. I also try to have patience.

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  4. Your USA guys do have most ports and keep trying to get more because of your greed. The more ports you gain the harder it is to defend them all because they become further away and not everyone on all nations including pirates would be willing to sail to the other end of the map just to defend a port they dont care about and dont even sail over there. you may have more people on usa then all the nations but not all of them want to sail so far away and then end up having to give up something to attack or defend a port when they can just sit back and chill with missions or fishing, without much worry. most of the usa players on pvp2 i still havent seen at all yet and i know they are in the golf of mexico because they aint up around the east coast.

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  5. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here. With the new fleet and crew system, you only need to sail once to set up an outpost (AI fleet with the ships you want to move, or buy the ships you want at said outpost). Once you have your outpost, you do your hunting near that outpost. Sailing from Bermuda to Tulum is absolute nonsense and in no way relevant to how people actually play the game.

    what i was getting at with the times is showing how big the map is.

  6. I will say this. to sail from lorimers to kidds harbour takes about an hour in the FASTEST ships and that isnt even half of the map as far as distance covered. and from kidds harbour to the east coast is about the same as well as from kidds harbour to summerset is also about an hour. from mort to canalete is almost an hour and a half. now currently when you buy a port flag you have 60 minutes to plant it at that port. not everyone would be able to make it in time. those times ive mentioned are with NO BATTLES OR BEING CHASED just going straight there.


    Now how big is the map now with those real life time spent just sailing to those ports from a specific port. so from summerset to tulum is going to be like at least 2 and a half hours of real time just sailing there with no battles in between that includes going around islands not everyone has that time to just sit here and sail even going afk people have jobs, people go to school people have lives. im one of the few who has the actual time to sail all that without getting up to leave the house. i dont think forcing everyone to have to sail prized ships back to a port and we do need more outposts we can place the current amount is not enough.


    Im a pvp player and i got ports in places all over and i sailed allt he way there when i wasnt hunting other nations players or doing port battles. this is going to bring down new players and they will be telling their friends to not get the game which will hurt the population to the point of you devs wondering what happened when us players are the main feedback because i'll admit i do wait with other pirates outside of a battle because a fellow clan member or pirate is in trouble and we chase him down as soon as that enemy player pops out that aint going to change with the having players sail their prizes back to any port nearby they would be pulled into battle as soon as the option pops up. Its called ambushing and every player in this game knows that is going to happen especially if they are attack pirates. and they are going to lose both ships because the ambusher will have the numbers and both ships will be too undercrewed to be effective to run.


    this is going to make people leave not all but many.

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