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Posts posted by Ironaxe

  1. Hello, my name is Stuart, father to 4, grandfather to 1.5, my in game name is IronAxe and I pulled the Britain Flag against Port Antonio.


    Let me start by saying that I have not played this game for long, but I have put many hours in and enjoy the game a lot. I recently acquired the rank of RA and enjoy doing missions with my Clan.


    Now that we have the nice stuff out of the way, lets get down to business.


    I have spent very little time on this forum, as I am sure you can see by my log in history, I didn't even know what this section (Tribunal) was about, sorry, but I'm too busy enjoying the game!


    So a clan member pointed me to this thread today, and frankly I am appalled with the threat attached to this ongoing in-game mechanic, there was no warning when I pulled the flag, which, by the way is the first time I have ever done this, in fact I have only ever been in one Port Battle, however, I have never received a real life warning of the consequences attached to doing something like this in the game, and so never knew!  


    So, my question is, why has this not been addressed by Devs. If this is WIP (I believe I heard something about a diplomacy mechanic, not sure if this is included) and it is to be added, then how can you possibly justify "From now on, players who purchase flags with the sole intent of blocking others from attempting to capture a port risk losing their XP and Assets." without making an official in-game announcement through mail or even emails to those that have purchased the game? Surely you can not expect people to "just know"?


    With that, I request you either make an official announcement which ALL players can read or simply ignore this exploit(mechanic) until it is fixed!


    Lastly, as far as I am personally concerned, if any of my assets/XP are removed, I will simply say, thank you for a beautiful, well made (accept for this issue) game and good-bye, I will simply quit and that is how seriously I take this and the fact you try to impose rules and then not tell people. I will also, of course, contact Steam.




    Stuart (usually a happy-go-lucky Older Gamer)


    (To Moderator: If you do not wish to post this, please, at least pass it on to the Devs as I would really appreciate an answer and closure on this, thank you!)

    • Like 9
  2. SERVER-               PVP 01 EU

    My Game Name-   Iron Axe

    Clan-                     Devil Dogs

    Nation-                  Britain



    To Devs,


    SERVER CRASH 16/06/2016 @ 11:00 UK time.


    In mission during server crash, dead on return.


    If I could get help recovering this, please.


    Item lost:




    Bellona - Exceptional -1 x Durability - 2 Perm Upgrade slots / 4 Upgrade slots - Build Strength & Stiffness built in




    Exceptional - Extra Magazine Access 

    Fine            - Extra Planking

    Exceptional - Extra Hammocks

    Fine            - Powder Monkeys

    Fine            - Rum Rations

    Fine            - Lightweight Ropes and Blocks



    As you can see, I'm not asking for anything special, just the exact items as I lost, if possible.


    Thank you

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