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Posts posted by GreenT

  1. Hello,

    i had this thought before i found this topic and althought your system sounds good as i read it i think it has the possabillity to be very controlled by who is selected for PB's if there is a large population on the server. so i thought i would state my idea incase it is able to inspire another idea.


    my idea is that  you can only buy a flag to capture a port as long as you are not a lord protector of a port already. this is asuming that the ownership of a port gives diplomatic voting rights and also asuming that the flag purcheser becomes the lord protector (as is the current model).

    this would have the benifit of ensuring that even a large clan would not be able to take over all ports (without the use of alts, which i hope could be prevented in this case) it would also alow smaller clans to take and genereate "seats" possable even at a larger clans request and support in the PB, or against the larger clan just to gain some influence in the voting.


    i'm sure you have probably already had thoughts along these lines but thought i should mention it just incase.


    i guess my main fear with the upcoming diplo patch is the possable self declaired dictatorships of vocally large but ultimatly small clans takeing control with the abillity to bully other clans with as much influance in the game out of the diplomatic process.



    As far as I know, peace will become a national decision voted on by land owners.




      It also lends itself to abuse and the formation of "good 'ol boys" clubs.  


    you have answered yourself.




      If the peace is broken, then I assume some sort of repercussion will be associated with the offender.



    unless it is broken by the "old boys club" the council and land owners

  3. Hello,

             My clan have been having a lot of trouble with our nation council diliberatly interfering with the agrements made with the other nations in our theater of war.

    With the introduction of the dimplo patch soon we are more scared of this persicution due to excessive egos to the point of us being forced from the nation we chose. I don't think anyone wants the pirates to be the only populated nation.

      With this in mind and searching for possable solutions, i came accross the idea of limiting the people that can buy flags from ports that have been captured.

     The idea is say my clan capture the ports in an offencive that opens up a new area of trade for our nation, we then form peace alliances with the other nations clans that are opperating in the area. We the clan have the rights to choose who can and can not buy flags from the ports we have take to prevent "rogue clans" or "sabotageing council lead clans" from interferring with the territory we ourselves have carved out. but also have the ability to let other clans with an agreement buy flags from our clans ports to start there own offencives. (or let flags be tradeable items so our clan can buy it give to the other clan and when they plant the flag they become the lord protector).

    I really think that this could be a very good way of ensureing that the council does not become a dictatorship. but then i would think that it is my idea :D

    please consider and if you have any suggestions for improving / changing the idea let them be know because right now my clan looses more players to the council systems pollitical bollocks than anything else.

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