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Posts posted by RockApe

  1. So sick of the comments saying the lack of "GPS" as you put it being realistic, they had it right before the wipe, you could navigate with some degree of accuracy, now it is just hope for the best, and guess at where you are headed, this is not accurate for the period, a ships captain could navigate with considerable accuracy, because they knew how to calculate Lat + Long, I agree the navigation should not be "GPS" accurate, however please please please put the map grid back, along with the co-ordinate system that was there previously, if it comes to that, make it so it only works if you press a key to enable it, that way the "purists" or folk that think having no co-ords, or positional reference is "realistic" dont have to use it, if they want to bob around on the briny hoping for the best. From the early 1700's on wards the ability to navigate accurately was made possible by the use of the Chronometer particularly the Thackery timepiece, which enabled the calculation of Longitude, and thereby made the whole thing more practical and safe, to have no navigation tools at all in game therefore is innaccurate and far from "realistic" 


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  2. I liked what Legion suggested with the mast and rigging damage models, I think I said something about crew training in an earlier post, but just to repeat, in ow, the ability to set crew excercises, as a real ship would do, ie gunnery drills and the like.


    I just want the Pirate Frigate to become a craftable ship for the Pirate faction only, makes no sense to me we cannot craft it, and can only have a 2 slot ship.


    Naming vessels, is a must, but like has been said, they have to be proper names, not some random mess of initials and numbers, or anything stupid like HMS I pumped the neighbours cat......or other such silliness hahahaha


    a customisation facility for your ship, again , no silly bright bubble gum pink hulls !! it would be nice to eventually see decorations such as figure heads and stern detailing, I would love to see a Pirate Frigate with the stern gallery off of the Renomee for example


    another thing I would love to see at some point, is crew actually working the sails, I know it would be a real pain to do, but it would be nice eye candy.



    STORM DAMAGE !! also the need to adjust sail so that you dont lose masts in a storm, also heavier seas during a storm would be superb.

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  3. Like Magnum said, the new map grid is a definate step in the right direction, it would also be rather useful to have a compass facility on the map, as sometimes it is rather difficult ( though not impossible ) to judge the direction accurately, as most ships carried a compass i dont think this would detract from the spirit of the thing, and it would make life just a little less tedious.


    Expanding on the legendary ship idea, how about the facility to carry out crew drills, ie. gunnery, and other such like seaman like activities, which over time , increase the competency of the crew, over a long and ongoing period of time, not an over night pew pew type gotta have insta brilliance kind of thing. 


    I would also like to see bar shot introduced, I expect that has already been brought up before, but as I haven't read every single post, I apologize if it is old hat. 


    Sort of along the same lines, will crafting ammunition and guns be added at some point too, it would be nice to make master crafted or exceptional guns , but as above I expect that one has also be talked about before.


    I saw a couple of mentions of Mermaids and sirens........err sorry....this isnt a darn Games Workshop game !! However Dolphins/flying fish etc would be nice to see in game, although I dread to think what impact it would have on FPS !! 


    I do hope dedicated fishing vessels will be introduced at some point too, as it would expand the possibilities no end, there needs to be a lot of work done for people who do actually like the economic non pew pew side of things ( speaking as a PVE player ) 

  4. Same old story, same old song and dance, whinge moan and grumble, "oh it takes forever to sail form point A to point B " errr yeah....its an age of sail game, not a space sim, with jump gates, and like a couple of other folk on this thread have already said, why would you need to make a long distance voyage more than once, you just sail to wherever, get an out post, and go from there....pretty simple really. OK if you do the trading thing, then that can be rather tedious for sure, even relatively short trips take a bit of time, but that's the nature of the beast surely ? I think the Devs do a bang on job, they address what is broken, and are constantly feeding new content in, OK, so it doesn't happen once a month, but again, small Dev team, huge game. So instead of whining and moaning, and wanting to turn the darn game into some run of the mill Pew Pew fest, have a little forbearance, if you have an issue, post it up by all means, but enough with the constant moaning about sailing times, and about how awful everything is, because, it is far from awful, it is a good game, with huge possibilities, and huge scope, it will evolve over time, and more and more stuff will come on line, so please guys and gals, show a little virtuous patience !! 

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  5. I would agree with Von Gunn, too many other things need to be put in game before eye candy, an actual economy would be nice, trading at the moment ( on PVE) is pretty much non existent as the only thing worth trading is compass wood, a back story is needed as there just isnt one, piracy should be more piratical, ie not the same as every other nation, no permanent state of war exists between France and England, and or Spain, the smugglers flag is laughable, as there is no smuggling involveed at all, and no chance of being intercepted as would be the actual case. in OW when out at sea, I have yet to come across any other ships, except maybe between Mortimer and  Baracoa, when you get the occasional ship or small fleet plying back and forth, everything seems to coast hug, which in Cutters and Lynx's ok I can understand, but brigs and snows ? and LGV's ? surely LGV's and Indiamen are deep water vessels, but no, they mainly seem to coast hug. also the workings of bow and stern chasers needs to be looked at as a lot of the time the shots in particular from bow chasers dont seem to go anywhere near where you are aiming, and infact I have even had incidents where my own bow chasers have apprently shot bits off my own prow/Beakhead . another thing that I find annoying is when you have a resource building, and you have to pay gold AND lose labour hours for gatering from them, please either one or the other but not both !! as you have to pay for the building in the first place why pay to gather your own materials. Crafting too, so many things could be added in, trade goods for example to make commodities to trade with. Hopefully tthe game wont be just purely combat, we need decent trade and industry, and politics.

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  6. Seen a lot of requests for flags etc in OW, as well as in Battle, generally the ensign was only raised when it was deemed necessary, to identify your self to either a friend or a foe , also the use of the "ruse de Guerre" was commonplace, and acceptable as a tactic, as long as the correct colours were hoisted when the engagement was joined. So for open world I would say not needed, however mast pennants were generally present , as they were a good indicator of wind direction, so, I would suggest those being present in OW, and also some mast pennants that are less guady....most of the ones in game seem to be signal flags, and do look a bit out of place, so it would be nice to personalise ( or have the option to) these pennants to taste......also for us nasty 'orrible piratical types, the option to customise the black flag.....and or customisation for Clan Colours. 


    The suggestions for deck selection is also a good idea, it would be nice for example to use only the heavy guns on the gundeck at longer ranges, as a lot of people use Carronades as weather deck guns, and they are pretty much useless at ranges above 100 m 


    Finally....navigation tools !!! all we need is a ruler, a pencil, maybe some dividers, but those arent really important, and a compass, actually ON the map , I find navigation a chore, yes its do able, and 8 times out of 10 I get it right, , which no doubt some of you will say is good enough, however, for those really long trips, the ability to plot a basic course with some accuracy would be appreciated, it doesn't have to be a gps, you cant bend it, all singing , all dancing, laser accurate, thing, but something that reflects the ability to navigate , as those worth sea Captains had in those days, I find the lack of nav aids annoying, and frustrating, long travel is boring enough without having to dead reckon all over the darn shop.

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