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Emperor Solaris

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Posts posted by Emperor Solaris

  1. personally here is my problem with PVE, since you run a chance to fight 2 ships you must take smaller mission on your larger ship it make sense just thinking about it this way BUT the AI are then sailing smaller and lower profile ship than you causing you to miss them much more than if it was a larger ship and for them you are a huge sitting duck

    my highest ship so far is a Cerberus and yesterday either i am really terrible at this game but a simple mission vs a Brig and a Pickle and i nearly got sunk because i had issues hitting them because they were smaller

    if all PVE mission would be vs a single ships or would adjust to the number of players in the group it would already be a lot easier on the player, as it is now i completely stopped runing missions unless my friend is online as of now

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