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Geoffroi Bonfils

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Posts posted by Geoffroi Bonfils

  1. I had been thinking that another way to handle this would be making starting nation ports cost an ever increasing amount of money not to revolt if captured, the monetary increase would increase with each server maintenance and therefor eventually revolt as the cost to keep them under heel would become prohibitive. Another thought was making an option of "raiding" a port so that if the port battle was victorious you would get better loot but ownership wouldn't change hands. Still, yet another idea, was that clans would bid on flags and each flag would become exponentially more expensive, which with the law of diminishing returns steam roll port conquest becomes quickly prohibitive. Just some ideas, don't know how many have already been tried.

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  2. Didn't see this topic in a search so started one. The first step in solving a problem is admitting the problem exists. In every MMO PvP game I've played where there is 'capturable' assets almost every time it was the team/faction/guild with the most players that wins, period. Trying to do the rock/paper/scissors balancing act doesn't usually work, zerg numbers will win out if not in the battle instance then in the number of time zones covered and online endurance such groups have over smaller, even more skilled, opponents. I would like the Devs to please acknowledge the problem exists, then seriously craft a plan to deal with the problem because it's a game killer in every other game it has gone ignored. Remember gentlemen, this is a game, not a simulation, game balance and entertainment is more important then historical authenticity.


    One possible solution, although I don't know how successful it would be in this game, is locking/unlocking factions that outnumber other factions by a preset ratio (I've seen this done in other games when the moderators could see players dogpiling into one faction/race/class/etc). This prevents Zergism but at the expense of player satisfaction if the Zerging faction/race/class/etc was very popular, which should tip the developers off they've created an obviously overpowered facet in the game. I understand that a lot of Naval Action nation selection is along language lines which will make player balancing a significant challenge. Oh, and wiping the map will not fix the problem because the problem is a root systemic one and with time we'll get the same map we have now.


    Another issue, that is tangent to the player imbalance issue, is that very important assets (production buildings) are forced to be in National Ports and thus very vulnerable to loss. This is where I'm at a loss as to why Game Labs would chose such a game mechanic when other successful games know that when the inevitable happens there will be extreme customer dissatisfaction at the loss of expensive assets (expensive in both time and game currency). It is currently possible to drive a nation completely out of crafting which in my opinion seems obvious. The trite answer of "trade" is not a reasonable solution, reworking production buildings is the reasonable solution. I understand the devs wish to 'force' players into conflict, which leads to great PvP, but coupled with the player imbalance mentioned above it tends to have the blowback effect of people choosing to not play the game (already I'm seeing a 10-20% reduction in online numbers in the last two weeks).


    In closing I'd like to say that players are extremely poor at policing their own behavior, even if it's ultimately going to destroy a game. Humans don't like challenges, they prefer easy grossly onesided victories. We all have this trait, it lurks in that dark part of our soul that never admits it in public, even to ourselves. We say we want even odds, but when you look at actions taken in games it tells a far different story. I would truly like the Devs to take my suggestion seriously.

  3. Dear Mesdames and Sirs,


    I can't start a topic but would like to put a shout out to the brave captain PenguOfIceland who flies the black. We met and battled a day ago off Key West, both of us in Frigates. Once I established he was going to fight an honorable battle and not be a bait ship for invisible ships lurking in an end of battle screen I gave him battle. He chose the rigging gambit, which nearly worked in his favor causing me to use a rigging repair much earlier then I wanted to and I never could crawl above 73% sails for the rest of the engagement. In a cunning last gasp he boarded my vessel as the waves were lapping his gunwales and the melee was the longest I've ever endured. In the end I was victorious but only by the narrowest of margins, salute.


    I fear I don't remember whether the gentleman was of a guild/clan, I am in the hopes you fine gentlemen can relay my salute to his valor.




    [FFL] Geoffroi_Bonfils


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  4. It's more a roleplay thing, but people go nuts to personalize their stuff in MMOs, Mind you, with uploaded images it involves a bit of moderation to avoid copyright or trade mark infringement. I'm sure you guys have already considered this. WOT uses stock emblems you can buy to put on your tank, which almost nobody uses. Arche Age had a whole player driven economy of talented artists selling their skill in making upload art (it's challenging making a 256x256 pixel PNG file that looks good).

  5. If this topic has already been covered, apologies as search revealed nothing.


    To fix the ganking (getting jumped by invisible ships) in OW simply extend the Invulnerability timer after battle/port exit (3-5 minutes is reasonable) to beyond the battle Entrance timer (currently 2 minutes), problem solved. No messy complicated coding, no convoluted "end of battle kick timer" needed, just one easy data line change. Oh, the invisibility thing is probably redundant but if you absolutely have to have it I'd keep that timer as tiny as possible. Once this is fixed and everyone is somewhat happy (the ambushers will never be happy) we could talk about removal of the 1.5 BR so that tiny ships can't thumb their nose at an obviously superior fleet.


    Ganking is not emergent gameplay, it's exploiting a game mechanic to swing a battle outrageously in the favor of the people hiding in the end of battle screen with their bait ship/s giving an unrealistic feedback to the other players, seemingly for no other reason then to pamper their collective egos.

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