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Posts posted by 72AG_BlackWing

  1. мне кто-нибудь объяснит какого извиняюсь хрена пэррот кей проигран при БР 2,4 против 2 а бахиа эскокеса не выиграна при 0,9 против 2?  все башни были захвачены в обоих случаях

  2. интересные новые правила ПБ - берешь 3 башни на абордаж и вуаля, 15 человек защитников на плаву пролетают как фанера над парижем

    их даже топить не надо, битва выиграна

  3. you are not funny - question one needs one more option

    4 - capture and raiding available

    there is no option that will satisfy pirates, and you have to vote on that just to vote for all other questions


    ok - you can take crafting away, but you can not forbid hiring more crew cos i'm not leveled up...

    ok - you can leave pirates with only 1 home port that every nation will try to gang every spare second, but you can not forbid a pirate to put up a GB, US or any other flag and enter any other nation town to trade or rob

    ok - you can say historically there was too little of pirates - i'd say historically there was too little 1st-2nd-3rd rate ships, i'd say there was way too more trader ships than battle ships

    ok - you want to make pirates to hunt each other, but what stops them from doing this now? nothing! but they don't! why?


    hide names on the map so you never know who is next to you, if you should run or ask for help

    cut any communication if you are not at same outpost (impossible right?)



    you can implement all you voted for, kill pirates literally, but to balance this you have to make pirates (and any other so called "nation") "invisible", let them move anywhere without any nation or person uncover who is the owner of that particular ship on the horizon


     and one more thing... or two... make your nation more attractive by playing as NATION like pirates did, or stop crying

    and number two - translate this post to russian, german, serbian, africaas, french, hindu, portuguese, spanish and see the result


    good luck,


    pirates NATION, the only NATION currently

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